ES6/7 Javascript tool for working with Javascript code, using babylon JavaScript parser Estr has a commandline interface, using nodejs, but its modules can also be used from the browser. There is an in-browser demo showing scoped variable highlighting, navigation to variable occurrences, and variable renaming.
Estr currently supports:
- generating scope-aware tags from babylon ASTs, for use with the SublimeText Ctags and scoped_tags Vim mode
node estr.js tags --classic -exclude **/*sencha-touch*.* -o .tags .
traverse current working directory (.) and its sub-directories, extract tags from .js-files, excluding *sencha-touch* and write to file ".tags"
node estr.js tags --classic --module -o .tags .
ES6 + strict mode: traverse current working directory (.) and its sub-directories, extract tags from .js-files and write to file ".tags"
node estr.js rename file.js oldName <line> <column> newName
rename oldName (at <line> <column>) to newName
node estr findVar file.js name <line> <column>
find binding and other occurrences for name
in rename, point to the beginning of an oldName occurrence; all oldName occurrences in the same scope will be renamed, provided that
- oldName/newName are valid Identifiers
- a binding for oldName is available
- no existing binding for newName in the same scope
- no existing occurrences of newName will be captured by renamed binding
- no renamed occurrences of oldName will be captured by existing binding
- renaming is not affected by same-name hoisting over catch (language edge case)