Cloud provider: AWS
When using persistent volume for grafana, one of my pods is stuck at pending state due to error pod (deis-monitor-grafana-465911159-nkhmp) failed to fit in any node fit failure summary on nodes : NoVolumeZoneConflict (2), PodToleratesNodeTaints (1)
. The followings are the AZs my AWS resources running on:
Master: us-east-1a
Nodes: us-east-1c, us-east-1d
Dynamic pvc Volume: us-east-1a
I tried to manually attach the PVC volume on AWS console and it only allows me to choose EC2 instance from the same AZ as the volume. At this moment, the monitor charts create the volume to be at the same AZ as the master (just my guess, haven't looked into source code). Instead, it should be based on which AZ is/are the node(s) is hosted.