Used data analysis and clustering to identify consumer experience, engagement, and satisfaction and found that 71% of the customers were satisfied with the service.
- To analysis a telecommunication dataset to identfy wether buying TellCo mobile service provider is profitable or not
The dataset can be found here and its attribute description here
The dataset is provided in excell format which can be read with pandas python library
import pandas as pd
df_from_excell = pd.read_excel('../data/Week1_challenge_data_source.xlsx')
- After reading the data, we should then identify what column exist and their data type.
- If the data type is wrongly changed to other type it should be casted to the proper type
Handling Missing
- Drop column with missing value percentage > 30%
def drop_column(self, df: pd.DataFrame, columns) -> pd.DataFrame:
for col in columns:
df = df.drop([col], axis=1)
return df
- Fill missing values with mean, median, mode, bfill, ffill, etc
- Mean and median is for numeric column only.
- Mean/Median/Mode Imputation for less than 3% missing values. mode is good when the data distribution is skewed, and is good for data that are not skewed.
- For the columns {Start, Start ms,End ms,Dur. (ms).1, Dur. (ms),Avg Bearer TP DL (kbps),Avg Bearer TP UL (kbps), Total DL (Bytes), Avg Bearer TP DL (kbps), ),Total UL (Bytes), Activity Duration DL (ms),Activity Duration UL (ms), End } are related to time/duration and have 1 missing values. droping the row with the missing values will not be a problem
- For the text column(Handset Manufacturer, Handset Type, and last location name) are not numeric, mode filling can be used and we can found their mode easily
def fill_mode(self, df: pd.DataFrame, columns) -> pd.DataFrame:
for col in columns:
df[col] = df[col].fillna(df[col].mode()[0])
return df
XDR collects and correlates data across email, endpoints, servers, cloud workloads, and networks, enabling visibility and context into advanced threats here. User behaviour can be tracked through the social media, google, email, youtube, netflix, gaming, other using the XDR session.
Top 10 Handset Type
handset_count = df['Handset Type'].value_counts()
handset_count[:10].plot(kind='bar', color=['teal', 'green', 'blue','purple','pink'])
Top 3 Handset Manufacturer
handset_manufacturer = df['Handset Manufacturer'].value_counts()
kind='bar', color=['teal', 'green', 'blue'])
Top 5 handset type per top 3 manufacturer
handset_man= df[df['Handset Manufacturer'].isin(['Apple','Samsung','Huawei'])]
handset = handset_man.groupby('Handset Manufacturer')['Handset Type'].value_counts()
apple = handset.Apple[:5]
sumsung = handset.Samsung[:5]
huawei = handset.Huawei[:5]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3)
ax[0].bar(apple.keys(), apple.values, tick_label=apple.keys(),
width=.5, color=['blue', 'green', 'orange'])
ax[0].tick_params(axis='x', labelrotation=90)
ax[1].bar(sumsung.keys(), sumsung.values, tick_label=sumsung.keys(),
width=0.8, color=['blue', 'green', 'orange'])
ax[1].tick_params(axis='x', labelrotation=90)
ax[2].bar(huawei.keys(), huawei.values, tick_label=huawei.keys(),
width=0.8, color=['blue', 'green', 'orange'])
ax[2].tick_params(axis='x', labelrotation=90)
plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.2, right=0.99,
bottom=0.2, top=0.6,
User engagement analysis is used to determine how a give user is engeged to a given application. There may be different metrics to determinge the egagement level. For example, total duration of session, total traffic of a session, and frequency of a session can determine user engagement for a telecom service provider.
- Duration of a session
total_duration = df.groupby('MSISDN/Number').agg(
{'Dur. (ms)': 'sum'}).reset_index().rename(columns={'Dur. (ms)': 'total_duration'})
sorted_df = total_duration.sort_values('total_duration',ascending=False)[:10]
- Session total traffic
datainfo = DataFrameInformation(df)
dl_columns = datainfo.get_column_with_string(df, 'DL \(Bytes\)')
total_download = df.groupby(
'MSISDN/Number').agg({c: 'sum' for c in dl_columns}).sum(axis=1)
total_download = pd.DataFrame(total_download).reset_index().rename(
columns={0: 'total_download'})
sorted_df = total_download.sort_values('total_download', ascending=False)[:10]
ul_columns = datainfo.get_column_with_string(df, 'UL \(Bytes\)')
total_upload = df.groupby('MSISDN/Number').agg({c:'sum' for c in ul_columns}).sum(axis=1)
total_upload = pd.DataFrame(total_upload).reset_index().rename(columns={0:'total_upload'})
sorted_df = total_upload.sort_values('total_upload', ascending=False)[:10]
total_traffic = total_download.merge(total_upload, on='MSISDN/Number')
total_data = pd.DataFrame(total_traffic['MSISDN/Number'])
total_data['total_data'] = total_traffic['total_download'] + total_traffic['total_upload']
sorted_df = total_data.sort_values('total_data', ascending=False)[:10]
3. Session Frequency
total_freq = df.groupby('MSISDN/Number').agg(
{'Bearer Id': 'count'}).reset_index().rename(columns={'Bearer Id': 'total_freq'})
sorted_df = total_freq.sort_values('total_freq', ascending=False)[:10]
User Clustering Based on Their Engagement After generateing the total_data, total_diration, and total_freq using the aggregation functionality of the Pandas python library, we can use K-mean cluster to segment the user into k clusters.
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
Kmean = KMeans(n_clusters=3)
User experience can be measured based on the metrics like: average throughput, average tcp retransmission, and average round trip. first we cluster the data into 3. we can then calculate the expereince score by finding the eculeadian distance between each data point and the centroid representing the worst experience.
total_df['experience_score'] = normalized_df.apply(lambda x: np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(x-centroids[:, 0], 2))), axis=1)
First by creating user experience and engagement score, we can then average both and calculate user satisfaction.
Save Scores and user Id to mysql database
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
connections_path = "mysql+pymysql://root:<password>@localhost/<database>"
engine = create_engine(connections_path)
# conn = engine.connect()
data = df[['MSISDN/Number', 'engagement_score',
'experience_score', 'satisfaction_score']]