Monkee-Boy Web Design, Inc.
- Carrollton, TX
SVGMarker Public
Google Maps JavaScript API overlay object to easily add markers with an SVG image as the icon.
Pure-Slider Public
Image and content slider written in pure JavaScript. http://pureslider.com/
gMaps Public
jQuery plugin to easily add Google Maps to your websites. Makes use of both v3 and static API.
Drought Public
Forked from fleeting/DroughtJust some barebones HTML/CSS to start each project. No single boilerplate or framework is perfect for all but here is what I've found works for me right now.
JavaScript UpdatedFeb 12, 2013 -
Drought-for-Serve Public
Barebones HTML/CSS created by James Fleeting converted to Slim and SASS for Serve.
Groundwork Public
Groundwork Complete. Initiate Phase Two: Code.
defvayne23.github.com Public
Forked from deprecate/hub.meA responsive gallery to display your projects on Github
Whiteboard Public
Forked from monkeecreate/WhiteboardMinified Project Management