This runs together with Solana validator software to track IP addresses and the fees for each address. It uses some code and insights from and Thanks to Zantentu and Triton for their influence and some of the code.
See analysis.txt for 24hrs of analysis on a 300k SOL staked node.
These instructions are for jito validators running their own relayer.
git clone
cd jito-solana
git checkout v1.17.31-ipfee
git submodule update --init --recursive
cargo build --release
Add --ipfee-host
to your startup command and then restart your validator. Be sure to sudo systemctl daemon-reload
if needed.
Setup your own relayer with these instructions if you don't already have one:
IMPORTANT: You must update Cargo.toml with a path to your solana SDK built in Step 1.
Update /home/solana
(my user name is solana) in the below command to the directory your jito-solana folder is in.
git clone
cd jito-relayer
git checkout v0.1.12-ipfee
sed -i 's|/path/to/your/jito-solana|/home/solana/jito-solana|g' Cargo.toml
# Verify the path looks correct
cat Cargo.toml
git submodule update --init --recursive
cargo build --release
Add --ipfee-host
to your startup command and then restart your relayer. Be sure to sudo systemctl daemon-reload
if needed.
git clone
cd ipfee
sed -i 's|/path/to/your/jito-solana|/home/solana/jito-solana|g' Cargo.toml
# Verify the path looks correct
cat Cargo.toml
cargo build --release
Run the file (need to run as root user if you want to add the ipset blocks)
target/release/ipfee 15111 ipfee.json
You can view the json output pretty printed this this command: jq -r '["IP", "TxCount", "DupCount", "AvgFee", "MinFee", "MaxFee", "Blocked", "LeaderTxCount", "LeaderDupCount", "LeaderAvgFee", "LeaderMinFee", "LeaderMaxFee"], (to_entries | sort_by(-.value.tx_count)[] | [.key, .value.tx_count, .value.dup_count, .value.avg_fee, .value.min_fee, .value.max_fee, .value.blocked, .value.leader_tx_count, .value.leader_dup_count, .value.leader_avg_fee, .value.leader_min_fee, .value.leader_max_fee]) | @tsv' ipfee.json | column -t
You need to restart your validator and relayer with the the --ipfee-host
flag, and then you need to run
This will add an ipset, but you will need to firewall it off.
sudo ipset create custom-blocklist-ips hash:net
sudo iptables -F solana-tpu-custom-quic
sudo iptables -A solana-tpu-custom-quic -m set --match-set custom-blocklist-ips src -j DROP
sudo iptables -A solana-tpu-custom-quic -j ACCEPT
# Optionally block all 11229 fwd traffic
sudo iptables -I ufw-user-input 1 -p udp --dport 11229 -j DROP
View IPs blocked: sudo ipset list custom-blocklist-ips
Flush IPs blocked: sudo ipset flush custom-blocklist-ips
- Write before closing program
- Halve data every X hours?
- Unblock IPs occassionally?
- Temporary jail IPs
- Cluster analysis? Find outliers and boot them?
When building jito-solana, you need to run git submodule update --init --recursive