Proposed changes
when instantiating a new live websocket client, allow setting Proxy for the websocket dialer that is created downstream. or allow providing the full websocket dialer struct directly. also allow modifying the preset headers (like Host)
we are using Deepgram on-prem, and our system uses HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY, and NO_PROXY, and the difference between our service working and not working is this line in the websocket.Dialer creation:
Proxy: http.ProxyFromEnvironment,
as well as the removal of: myHeader.Set("Host", c.cOptions.Host)
Possible Implementation
allow providing the exact Proxy value, providing the websocket dialer, or allow Proxy: true/false and have it set the Proxy line above when true. also somehow allow custom header creation/deletion?
Other information
I'm unable to reach my deepgram-on-prem instance without the proxy from environment setting and without removal of the Host header