This file contains all jenkisn related work I have done in one place. The repo is merely a collection and not in a project by itself
although it could be used as one with discretion.
-- Ansible files for Jenkins installtion
-- Jenkinsfile for various pipeline configurations and integrations
-- Docker file for Jenkins (which also has docker installed inside it ;) )
-- Jenkins job dsl written in groovy to create freestyle projects in Jenkins. Plan to add job dsl for creating pipelines as well.
--- for creating a NODEjs multistage Jenkins pipeline with stages such as envrionement setup, tests and finally push to docker hub
--- Nodejs multistage pipeline for running tests inside container
--- Testing Email Integration for continuous feedback
--- Testing Slack Integration and opspager for continuous monitoring
--- Testing github integration using Gradle and Java Spring on Docker. Gradle is running on docker container and tests are run within container.
--- Testing Artifactory integration with jenkins for java-spring app with gradle but here gradle is installed locally. The final artifact i.e war file will be pushed to jfrog artifactory.
--- Testing Artifactory integration with jenkins for java-spring app with gradle and tests running on docker container. The final artifact i.e docker image will be pushed to jfrog artifactory.