EoC CLI is a CouchDB's Command-Line Interface (CLI) made in PHP programming language.
To install EoC CLI, you first need to install Composer, a Package Manager for PHP, following those few steps:
curl -s https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
You can run this command to easily access composer from anywhere on your system:
sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
Once you have installed Composer, it's easy install Elephant on Couch CLI.
- Move into the directory where you prefer install EoC CLI:
cd /usr/local
- Create a project for EoC CLI:
sudo composer create-project 3f/eoc-cli
- For your convenience create a symbolic link for the
executable in your/usr/local/bin
sudo ln -s /user/local/eoc-cli/bin/couch.php /usr/local/bin/couch
Lists commands.
couch list [--xml] [--raw] [--format="..."] [namespace]
Displays help for a command.
couch help [--xml] [--format="..."] [--raw] [command_name]
Connects to CouchDB server.
couch connect [-s|--server[="..."]] user
Uses the specified database.
couch use database
Alias of use
couch select database
Creates a new database.
couch create database
Deletes the specified database, if not in use.
couch delete database
Displays information about the selected database.
couch info
Starts a compaction for the current selected database or just a set of views.
couch compact [--design-doc="..."]
Removes all outdated view indexes.
couch cleanup
Makes sure all uncommited database changes are written and synchronized to the disk.
couch commit
Returns the tail of the server's log file.
couch log [--bytes[="..."]]
Restarts CouchDB server.
couch restart
Gets the list of active tasks.
couch status
Returns a list of generated UUIDs.
couch uuids [--count[="..."]]
Displays CouchDB server and client versions.
couch version
Returns a list of all databases on this server.
couch alldbs
Queries a view and outputs the result.
couch query [--key="..."] [--startkey="..."] [--endkey="..."] [--startkey-docid="..."]
[--endkey-docid="..."] [--limit="..."] [--group-results] [--group-level="..."]
[--do-not-reduce] [--include-docs] [--exclude-results] [--exclude-endkey]
[--reverse-order] [--skip="..."] [--include-conflicts] [--include-missing-keys]
[--map="..."] [--reduce="..."] [--language="..."] design-doc/view-name [keys1] ... [keysN]
PHP 5.4.7 or above. Shmop library is also required.
Filippo F. Fadda - filippo.fadda@programmazione.it - http://www.linkedin.com/in/filippofadda
Elephant on Couch Command-Line Interface is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.