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API Overhaul: Preview Templating #1041



Let's make custom preview templating better.

This issue outlines a potential approach for improving the custom preview authoring experience through documentation driven development. Rough documentation will be drawn up right in the comments describing an ideal custom preview interface, and POC's (proof of concept) validating these proposals can be linked as we go.

Quick Links:


Currently, registering a preview template looks like this:

var PostPreview = createClass({
  render: function() {
    var entry = this.props.entry;
    var image = entry.getIn(['data', 'image']);
    var bg = image && this.props.getAsset(image);
    return h('div', {},
      h('div', {className: "cover"},
        h('h1', {}, entry.getIn(['data', 'title'])),
        bg ? h('img', {src: bg.toString()}) : null
      h('p', {},
        h('small', {}, "Written " + entry.getIn(['data', 'date']))
      h('div', {"className": "text"}, this.props.widgetFor('body'))

It's a generally effective templating system, but with three primary drawbacks:

  • It's written to work with React's createElement method, which isn't a newfangled interface by any means, but may be foreign to a lot of folks.
  • Lots of cruft.
  • It's hampered by the awkward widgetFor/widgetsFor interface for retrieving widgets and entry data.


Ideally, developers could provide a simple mustache/handlebars template - here's the above example rewritten in handlebars:

var postPreviewTemplate = `
    <div class="cover">
        <img src="{{getAsset image}}"/>
      <small>Written {{date}}</small>
    <div class="text">
      {{widgetFor "body"}}

This style of templating should prove far more approachable, simpler for troubleshooting, and clearer in purpose. Handlebars helper functions would be created to apply necessary functionality, for example, our use of getAsset in the template above.

widgetFor / widgetsFor

As mentioned before, the widgetFor / widgetsFor methods for getting values from shallow and deep fields, respectively, are confusing to use. widgetFor accepts a field name and returns a React component with the field's value wrapped in the preview component, ready for rendering. widgetsFor accepts an array of keys for accessing a nested field, but instead of returning a React component, it returns an object with keys "widget" and "data", for accessing the component or just the raw value respectively.

Instead, widgetFor should handle both jobs, accepting either a field name string, or else an array of nested field names for deep retrieval. It should always return a React component, as raw values, including nested ones, are already available on the entry object.


An implementation from the example project that uses both widgetFor and widgetsFor:

var GeneralPreview = createClass({
  render: function() {
    var entry = this.props.entry;
    var title = entry.getIn(['data', 'site_title']);
    var posts = entry.getIn(['data', 'posts']);
    var thumb = posts && posts.get('thumb');

    return h('div', {},
      h('h1', {}, title),
      h('dl', {},
        h('dt', {}, 'Posts on Frontpage'),
        h('dd', {}, this.props.widgetFor(['posts', 'front_limit']) || 0),

        h('dt', {}, 'Default Author'),
        h('dd', {}, this.props.widgetsFor('posts').getIn(['data', 'author']) || 'None'),

        h('dt', {}, 'Default Thumbnail'),
        h('dd', {}, thumb && h('img', {src: this.props.getAsset(thumb).toString()}))


Here's what the above template would look like with the proposed removal of widgetsFor:

var generalPreviewTemplate = `
    <h1>{{ site_title }}</h1>
        <dt>Posts on Frontpage</dt>
        <dd>{{widgetFor "front_limit"}}</dd>

        <dt>Default Author</dt>

        <dt>Default Thumbnail</dt>
          {{#thumb}}<img src="{{getAsset thumb}}"/>{{/thumb}}

Proof of Concept

A branch can be referenced here:

Deploy preview here:

The first example above is working in the POC - the preview for Post entries is created using a handlebars template in example/index.html. The second example has not yet been implemented.


Customizing the Preview Pane

The preview pane shows raw, roughly formatted content by default, but you can
register templates and styles so that the preview matches what will appear when
the content is published. Netlify CMS has a few options for doing this.


The registerPreviewTemplate registry method accepts a name, a template string,
a data provider function, and an optional template

param required type default description
name yes string n/a Used to reference the template in configuration
template yes React component or string n/a The raw template
dataProvider - function n/a Accepts raw entry data and returns prepared template data
parserName - string "handlebars" if template is a string, otherwise "" The name of a registered template parser

Each example below, given a title field value of "My First Post", will output:

<h1>My First Post</h1>

Example using Handlebars

Netlify CMS ships with a Handlebars template parser that is registered and used
by default for any string templates.

 * With ES6 + modules and Webpack
 * Use [raw-loader]( to import template text via Webpack.
import { registerPreviewTemplate } from 'netlify-cms'
import postTemplate from './post-template.hbs' // handlebars template, contains "<h1>{{title}}</h1>"

registerPreviewTemplate("post", postTemplate)

 * With ES5
 * Use `CMS` global to access registry methods.
var postTemplate = "<h1>{{title}}</h1>"
CMS.registerPreviewTemplate("post", postTemplate)

Example using a React Component

Template parsers output a React component which the CMS uses directly, but you
can also bypass templating and create the React component yourself for tighter

Note: field values are accessed by the template component via the raw entry
prop, which is an Immutable.js
, where each field value
is stored by name under the data property. For example, accessing the title
field value on the entry prop looks like: entry.getIn(['data', 'title']).

 * With ES6 + modules, JSX, and Webpack
import React from 'react'
import { registerPreviewTemplate } from 'netlify-cms'

export class PostTemplate extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return <h1>{this.props.entry.getIn(['data', 'title'])}</h1>

registerPreviewTemplate("post", PostTemplate)

 * With ES5
 * Use `CMS` global to access registry methods.
 * Use `createClass` global to access [create-react-class](
 * Use `h` global to access [React.createElement](
var PostTemplate = createClass({
  render: function() {
    return h('h1', {}, this.props.entry.getIn(['data', 'title']))

CMS.registerPreviewTemplate("post", PostTemplate)

Example using a custom data provider

When reusing a production template, the data object expected by the template
will often be different from the one passed into the template parser by Netlify
CMS. To address this, you can pass in a data provider function that receives
the data object provided by Netlify CMS and returns an object that will work
with your template. The received value will be an Immutable Map, and the
function must return an Immutable Map.

Note that the data provider function doesn't receive all of the props that are
passed to the template parser, just the data prop, which contains the entry

 * With ES6 + modules and Webpack
 * Use [raw-loader]( to import template text via Webpack.
import { registerPreviewTemplate } from 'netlify-cms'
import postTemplate from './post-template.hbs' // handlebars template, contains "<h1>{{post.title}}</h1>"

const providePostData = data => data.setIn(['post', 'title'], data.get('title'))

registerPreviewTemplate("post", postTemplate, providePostData)

 * With ES5
 * Use `CMS` global to access registry methods.
 * Uses an inline template since site templates shouldn't be available in production.
var postTemplate = "<h1>{{post.title}}</h1>"

var providePostData = function(data) {
  return data.setIn(['post', 'title'], data.get('title'))

CMS.registerPreviewTemplate("post", postTemplate, providePostData)


The registerTemplateParser registry method accepts a name and a parsing

param required type default description
name yes string n/a Used to reference the parser when registering templates
parser - function n/a Accepts a string template, template data, and options hash; returns HTML
options - object {} Passed through to parser function


We'll create a simplified EJS template parser to demonstrate.
Note that a real parser would need to provide a few helpers for a complete
integration (docs TBA).

// ES6
import ejs from 'ejs'
import { registerTemplateParser } from 'netlify-cms'

const ejsParser = (template, data, opts) => {
  return ejs.render(template, data, opts)

registerTemplateParser('ejs', ejsParser)

Given template <h1><%= title %><h1> and data { title: 'My First Post' },
this parser would output: <h1>My First Post<h1>.


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