Download patches from gerrit regarding certain topics
- Access to the gerrit server where you push commits - settings of ssh key
- Topics are set for necessary projects in the gerrit server
Query the gerrit server regarding certain topics by ssh (returns a JSON of all projects)
Go through all projects in the result and pickup the projects which have least dependency if there are more than 1 commits regarding a project
Only "open" projects are taken into account (merged, abandoned projects will be ignored by default)
If you provide a manifest.xml of the repo project, the script ignore projects that are not specified in it
A final report will be generated for review which contains the access to projects (with patch numbers) that you need to download as well as a final command of downloading projects using repo
A basic example looks like
./ -s -t NL-2504
With more than one topics
./ -s -t NL-2504,NL-2522
Take projects with all status (merged, abandoned) into account
./ -s --all_status -t NL-2504,NL-2522
Download projects after querying (if you execute this script in the root folder of the repo project and no guarantee for downloading, for example, you have uncommited changes locally)
./ -s --download -t NL-2504,NL-2522
This script is examined in Python 2.7.15+ and Python 3.6.8