Embeddable runtime Pry-based REPL console for long-running programs.
- Executes code without interruption of the host program;
- Full fledged Pry console with code highlighting and completion;
- Allows multiple connections;
- EventMachine integration;
- Has very few dependencies (no DRb or EventMachine);
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem "mind_control"
- Ruby 1.9+;
- *NIX operating system (UNIX sockets is required);
To start console server:
require "mind_control"
You can also set Pry target (something.pry
MindControl.start :target => something
Or Pry options:
MindControl.start :pry => { .. options for pry instance .. }
Or set program name (see "Connection"):
MindControl.start :name => "some name"
NB: HOME (or XDG_CACHE_HOME) environment variable MUST be set for host program!
Run in terminal:
$ bundle exec mind_control
You will be prompted with a list of currently running MindControlled processes.
Or, if you already know name or PID of process:
$ bundle exec mind_control name_or_pid
You can capture STDOUT/STDERR of host program. To do that execute capture-output
in REPL.
[1] pry(main)> capture-output --help
Usage: capture_output [ --no-stdout | --no-stderr ] [ -f, --filter <regexp> ]
Captures host program STDOUT and STDERR and prints it to user.
--no-stdout Do not capture STDOUT.
--no-stderr Do not capture STDERR.
-f, --filter Filter output with given regular expression.
-h, --help Show this message.
MindControl can be used with EventMachine. Just require file and set EventMachine
as target and
all commands will be evaluated in the context of running reactor.
require "mind_control"
require "mind_control/em"
MindControl.start :target => EventMachine
You can use capistrano to start SSH session:
task :mind_control, :roles => :app do
server = find_servers_for_task( current_task ).first
exec <<-SH
ssh #{server.user || user}@#{server.host} -p #{server.port || 22} -t "#{rvm_shell} -c 'cd #{current_path} && bundle exec mind_control'"
- Better readme;
- Tests;
- Get rid of Engrish;