Tools to validate NOSQL/document databases. It currently supports MongoDB, and partially CouchBase. Documents stored in JSON files can also be used.
Main functionality are:
- verifying collections of database documents against schemas written in JSON Schema
In order to run support all functionality of the tool, you will need to have the following tools installed.
Bazaar - to install 'mgo', the library to connect to MongoDB, no need at runtime CouchBase - only needed for CouchBase support and running the corresponding tests Git Go MongoDB - only needed for MongoDB support and running the corresponding tests
This project depends on the following open source projects. Run the following commands once your GOPATH is set.
go get
go get
go get
import the data in the different databases
chmod +x ./runtests ./runtests
If you decide to not support some Database, you can configure the tool, so it does not try to execute, or run tests, for the non-supported databases. The first step is to disconnect the unwanted code for the database you don't want to support. All references to the code for a database is in the package 'dbtools/db'.