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Store and retrieve purchase transactions

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This application stores and retrieves purchase transactions, with currency conversion, as described in the Product Brief PDF document which was provided to define the task. That same document also explicitly instructed me to publish this project to a public GitHub repository in my own GitHub account, which is this repository.

When run, the application exposes two REST endpoints:

  • POST /purchase/ to store a new purchase transaction in US dollars.
  • GET /purchase/{id}?country_currency_desc={countryCurrencyDesc} to retrieve a previously-stored purchase transaction, with an additional currency conversion from US dollars into the foreign currency.

Implementation notes

This is a Spring Boot application built for Java 21, so a JRE 21 or JDK 21 will need to be installed in order to run or build it respectively.

The repository includes the Maven Wrapper 3.2.0 to automatically download, install, cache and run Maven 3.9.5 when the mvnw or mvnw.cmd command-line scripts are run, so it is not necessary to install Maven separately.

Database schema migration is done using Liquibase, so is database-independent. So the same code can run against both the H2 embedded database (makes it easy to run the application standalone) or against an external PostgreSQL server (more appropriate for a production instance).

The application state (other than caches) is only in the database, so the application can be scaled in production by running multiple instances behind a load-balancer.

The currency exchange rates are provided by a RatesOfExchangeClient class that communicates with the online "Treasury Reporting Rates of Exchange" dataset via the FiscalData web API.

Caching of the web API

The default implementation of this (CachedRatesOfExchangeClient class) maintains a local in-memory cache of the exchange rate data and only calls the web API once a day to check for updates (and only then if a request for data that might have been updated comes in during that day).

There is also an initial embedded resource which is the entire dataset from 2001 through 2023 to initialize the cache.

If I were to spend more time on this, I'd consider storing the cache in the database and using a database-based scheduler (for example, Quartz) to only download updates from the web API once per day even when horizontally-scaled. The current implementation will download n updates a day when horizontally-scaled to n instances, i.e. each instance maintains its own cache.

Justification for the caching strategy

Reading the Data Dictionary, the effective_date field is the correct one to use for conversion, not record_date.

A new record with a record_date corresponding to the end of the previous quarter, but a later effective_date can be added to a quarter if the currency shifts by more than 10% within a quarter, and that new exchange_rate should be used from the effective_date forward (until the next record).

The web API limits the response data size to 10,000 records in a single REST call, so we have to handle paging. Also, data is only ever added to either the current quarter (same record_date, but new effective_date), or to the new quarter when a new quarter begins.

This means the dataset is effectively "append-only", so updates only query forward from the last quarter's data forward. Because of the way data is merged into the cache, if there are corrections to data in the last quarter they will be updated, but older data is considered immutable.

There's actually less than 20,000 records in the entire dataset, so it can easily be cached in memory even if the records were sized 1 kB each (they are probably just a few 100 bytes each, so the dataset will easily fit in less than 10 MB of memory).

So it is a valid caching strategy to have an embedded copy of most of the dataset and just check for new changes since the last quarter or later once a day.

Development vs. production usage

The requirements document requested a production-ready instance, but also requires it to be a standalone application. So I've provided a default configuration that uses the H2 embedded database, but which can easily be reconfigured to use PostgreSQL by configuration (see application.yaml), and there is a Docker Compose compose.yaml file to do this. The application is "ready for production" with minimal effort.

For development, I included the Spring Boot DevTools, which enable certain useful but insecure features. They can be turned off by configuration (see application.yaml) or even better by removing the spring-boot-devtools dependency altogether (see pom.xml).

The Swagger-UI and OpenAPI api-docs are exposed in the application because they are very useful in providing easy access to try the REST endpoints (see /swagger-ui.html). They can be turned off by configuration (see application.yaml) or even better by removing the springdoc-openapi-starter-webmvc-ui dependency altogether (see pom.xml).

The optional Docker Compose compose.yaml file builds an application image from a Dockerfile, and runs the application as a container alongside a PostgreSQL database container (and the .env file will override the database configuration properties in application.yaml so that the PostgreSQL container is used as a database by the application container).

Roadmap for future development

  • Need a better way of injecting the database credentials that is not in version control.
  • Use jakarta-validation for the check on decimal places in the #storeTransaction controller method.
  • Integration tests to cover more unhappy-paths, and odd cases in the exchange rate data.
  • Enable monitoring with Prometheus or Graphite (or even just JMX).
    (Note the spring-boot-actuator-starter is already enabled and provides some simple monitoring endpoints)
  • Consider database-based caching to avoid horizontal-scaling increasing web API usage.
  • Add nginx or some load-balancer / TLS termination to the Docker Compose file. What about authentication?
    A production system should allow multiple application instances and should use secure HTTPS.

Anomalies in the Rates of Exchange data

  1. country_currency_desc is not consistent even for countries that have never changed name nor currency.
    Example: GBP is UNITED KINGDOM-POUND STERLING in 2015-03-31 through 2019-09-30, but United Kingdom-Pound before and after this period.
  2. country is not consistent even if comparing names case-insensitively.
    Example: it looks like Antigua & Barbuda should have been referred to as ANTIGUA-BARBUDA between 2015-03-31 and 2019-09-30. However, some kind of parsing error has led to the country name being truncated to ANTIGUA (and BARBUDA- has been prefixed erroneously to the currency name in this same period).
  3. Some countries change currency over time (the actual currency changes, not just the name used in the data) and may have multiple currencies over a period.
    Example 1: Germany in 2001-03-31 through 2002-03-31 (and 2004-09-30 through 2008-03-31) has Euro and Mark currencies.
    Example 2: Venezuela has Bolivar Soberano and Fuerte (OLD) in 2019-12-31 through 2023-12-31; BOLIVAR-FUERTE and BOLIVAR-SOBERANO in 2018-09-30 through 2019-09-30; BOLIVAR in 2015-03-31 through 2018-06-30; Soberano (OLD) in 2001-03-31 through 2014-12-31.
  4. Currency names may or may not uniquely identify a currency without qualifying the currency with the country.
    Example 1: Many countries use the Dollar, Peso, Pound or Shilling but these are not the same currencies.
    Example 2: Many countries use the Euro or E. Caribbean Dollar and these are in fact the same currencies.
  5. There are some unexplained large gaps in the data.
    Example 1: No rates for St. Lucia for over 4 years during 2015-03-31 through 2019-09-30.
    Example 2: Most (Cyprus is an exception) eurozone countries are replaced by Euro Zone from 2022 onwards.
  6. Some rates seem to have suspicious values at certain times:
    Example 1: Lebanon-Pound has a fixed exchange rate of 1500.0 during 2008-09-30 through 2023-02-15, but then it changes to 15000.0 during 2023-02-15 through 2023-12-31. (This does appear to be correct on research: a 90% devaluation in Lebanon's "official" exchange rate occurred in February 2023).
    Example 2: ZIMBABWE-DOLLAR on 2019-09-30 has an exchange rate of 0.0 (zero).
    Example 3: Zimbabwe-Dollar on 2008-06-30 through 2008-09-30 has an exchange rate of 8310000000.0 (8.31 billion).
  7. The API itself seems to be case-sensitive.


Store and retrieve purchase transactions



