- Color Picker component and front end frameworks
-creating projects from scratch in vsCode, trying to use memory. -creating projects with create-react-app -using @mui library -creating webpack config and using webpack-dev-server. -using codeSandbox
--more experience setting up .eslintrc.json files for projects being compiled by webpack/babel
-modern React usage and the transition to functional components, focusing on making my components more concise and using Hooks. I've mostly acclimated myself with the useState() hook and not manually setting state values.
-For this repo, in the process of codeSandboxing a ColorPicker component, and transitioning it into this project I found a color picking library I took advantage of : @uiw/react-color. https://uiwjs.github.io/react-color/#/
although i do enjoy learning by doing I learned the value of:
-- starting from scratch isn't always the best course- it's definently easier and more time-conscious to start with something that is already functional and tweak it to suit my purposes. AND -using codeSandbox to test ideas instead of testing code in vsCode and having to setup an entire project, server etc. and look at it in the browser. -- writing tests before writing code is very important and will actually help me write better code by having a clear direction and expected outcome.! I'd like to focus more on that next.
book where I got the colorizer inspiration from: https://www.amazon.com/Learning-React-Hands-Building-Applications-dp-013484355X/dp/013484355X/ref=dp_ob_title_bk
other sites:
emoji file: https://medium.com/@seanmcp/%EF%B8%8F-how-to-use-emojis-in-react-d23bbf608bf7