See ToDo list for current progress.
WARN: using LaTeX code for sketching the definitions. Rendered in GitLab. FIXME: math symbols in KaTeX are a bit limited ...
Problem: high-level programming models greatly simplify the development of parallel software. These models rely on programming using a set of fixed, predefined constructs that implement common parallel programming structures. This fixed set of constructs, although very general, lack flexibility in that it is generally not easy to add new parallel structures.
Idea: We propose an alternative approach that, unlike common high-level parallel programming models, is not constrained to a predefined set of parallel constructs. Our approach is based on the theory of Multiparty Session Types, that allow the specification of a pattern of communication between components. In this work, we extract potential communication protocols from recursive functions. Moreover, the extraction process determines how to instantiate the parallel structure with sequential code to produce a final parallel program.
(tentative) Contributions:
- Automatic extraction of potential parallel structures from recursive functions as global session types.
- Generate parallel implementations specifically tailored to a program, that we can guarantee deadlock-free.
- Semi-automatic and sound parallelisation of sequential functions.
- Relate parameterised multiparty session types to algebraic datatypes + traversals?
├── app ························ Command-line application
│  └── Main.hs ···················· Main
├── src ························ Library
│  ├── Base ······················· Basic definitions
│  │  ├── Id.hs ······················ Names and identifiers
│  │  └── PrimTypes.hs ··············· Primitive types
│  └── Language ··················· Rewritings and Language defs
│  ├── PolySession.hs ············· MPST generation from Polynomial functors
│  └── SessionTypes.hs ············ Deep-embedding of a MPST language
└── test ······················· Directory of the main test suite
└── Spec.hs ···················· Tests
Parallel strategies are in direct correspondence with higher-order functions that implement the relevant pattern of parallelism. MPST topologies require: entry point/exit point. In case of a reduce, multiple entry points means that we need to do data distribution before session starts.
TODO: assumptions, invariants, etc
- There is one special participant, the 'master', that first sends a/many value/s, and then expects a/many response/s.
- All workers in a global type must receive a value, followed by a number of request/response interactions, and finally do their own response to the original sender.
The treatment of polynomial functors follows is standard in the generic programming community. We define a family of polynomial n-endofunctors, indexed by the natural number n.
Informally, the semantics of the different constructs is:
Example 1:
The Haskell algebraic datatype
data Ty a b = C1 | C2 a (Ty a b) | C3 b (Ty a b) (Ty a b)
corresponds to the following polynomial:
Example 2:
The below Haskell algebraic datatype cannot be represented in
is a bifunctor, covariant in b
and contravariant in a
, which is also not possible to represent in
data Ty a b = C1 (a -> b) | C2
The translation from
Considerations. For all generated topologies:
- There should be three separate phases in the generated types: data distribution, (possibly) computation, and data collection.
- Two different participants should handle distribution and collection. The idea behind this is to decouple the "sends" from "receives". But this will force the sender to synchronise with the receiver (not sure how yet)
The simplest possible approach is to generate, for a polynomial n-functor, n different topologies that correspond to parallel processes in charge of the map operation.
Example 3:
A list datatype, data [a] = [] | a : [a]
corresponds to:
Multicast taken from: Global Progress for Dynamically Interleaved Multiparty Sessions, and syntax of multiparty/local session types is taken from A Linear Decomposition of Multiparty Sessions....
The pattern is the following. Given a collection of workers
Global protocol for map operations:
ISSUES: from a parallel programming perspective, this global type is far from ideal. The messages to every participant means that the processes will run in lock-step. Besides, if the order of the messages is irrelevant (which is good for achieving speedups parallelising irregular applications), then this MPST forces a round robin scheduling mechanism, which will not achieve good load-balancing. Question for future: is there any theory of MPST that can be used message-passing primitives that work using shared intermediate buffers. This would match more closely message-passing constructs for concurrency in a number of languages: e.g. Go (channels are essentially shared buffers).
Example: Given
TODO: find a more compact way of doing this. E.g. something on the lines of:
Example 4:
A tree datatype, data Tree a b = Leaf a | Node b (Tree a) (Tree a)
TODO: generate "tree-like emitters and collectors", plus "map workers".
Update 28/11/2017: from this point on, this is out of date.
There are three suitable MPST topologies for this functor:
This is a naive translation scheme. FIXME: this should not work yet (at
least not without restricting the syntax of
- Given a function
$f : T_1 \to T_2$ , start with two roles, A and B, and a simple protocol:
Then, "rewrite" the protocol, depending on f
, and the types
>>> Problem: in a hylo, we want to further decompose this, but the types might
>>> tell you nothing of internal structure. We need to "peek" at the function
>>> "f", and start decomposing it. First into "cata/anamorphism", then extract
>>> "maps". Then apply rules:
Sum-type decomposition:
A -> B : T1 + T2 + T3. G ----->
A -> {B1, B2, B3} + R : { l1 : A -> B1 : T1. G[B1\B]
, l2 : A -> B2 : T2. G[B2\B]
, l3 : A -> B3 : T3. G[B3\B] }
R is any role in G that is not A or B.
B must compute something of this shape: f = f_1 \/ f_2 \/ f_3
B1 B2 B3 therefore compute f_1 f_2 and f_3 respectively
Any role receiving the response from B will know where to receive from thanks to
the label 'l1', 'l2' or 'l3'.
*** Product-type decomposition:
A -> B : T1 x T2 x T3. G --->
A -> B1 : T1. A -> B2 : T2. A -> T3 : B3. G[{B1, B2, B3}\ B]
The substitution: G[{B1, B2, B3}\ B]
must deal with 'B' on the sender side:
B -> C : T [{B1, B2, B3} \ B] ====>
B1 -> C' : T1. B2 -> C': T2, B3 -> C' : T3
B must therefore compute "T1 x T2 x T3 -> T1' x T2' x T3' -> T"
f = g . f1 x f2 x f3
Computation 'g' is moved to 'C', f1, f2 and f3 are done in parallel by B1, B2
and B3.
*** Recursion:
For recursive types, apply isomorphism and continue using rules for sums and
A -> B : mu X. T ==> A -> B : T [mu X. T / X]
mu X. T ==> T (mu X. T)
1 + A x (1 + A x L) ~~ 1 + A + A x A + A x A x A x L
mu L . m -> {w1 w2 w3} : { l1 : end
, l2 : m -> w1 : A, w1 -> m : B. end
, l3 : m -> {w1,w2} : A, {w1,w2} -> m : B. end
, l3 : m -> {w1, w2, w3} : A.
{w1, w2, w3} -> m : B. L }
A + X ~~~ A + A + A + X
mu L . m -> {w1 w2 w3} : { l1 : m -> w1 : A. w1 -> m : B. end
, l2 : m -> w2 : A. w2 -> m : B. end
, l3 : m -> w2 : A. w3 -> m : B. end
, l4 : L }
TODO: Extend to parameterised when needed:
type Role = Int
type Label = Int
data GProtocol =
Rec (GProtocol -> GProtocol)
| End
| Msg [Role] [Role] Branch
data Branch =
BMsg GProtocol
| BBr [(Label, GProtocol)]
One succesful high-level model for parallel programming is structured parallel programming using algorithmic skeletons. Algorithmic skeletons are implementations of common patterns of parallelism, such as the common map and reduce operations. However, parallelising sequential functions using algorithmic skeletons requires to:
a) derive a high-level parallel structure of a program; and, b) instantiate the parameters of the algorithmic skeletons with the necessary parameters.
Unlike the session type approach, algorithmic skeletons rely on the existence of a predefined set of implementations for the parallel patterns.
The approach is illustrated with the following examples, coded in Haskell syntax, using uncurried functions:
- Dot product
- N-Body (naive)
- N-Body (Barnes-Hut)
- Black-Scholes
- K-Means
- Lineq
- Heat equation
- Wordcount
- AdPredictor
Dot product has a simple implementation in terms of patterns of recursion:
dot :: ([Float], [Float]) -> Float
dot (x, y) = fold ((+), 0, map ((*), zip (x ,y)))
Preliminaries: recursive structure of dotproduct The dot product can be split into 3 different parts:
dot_split :: ([Float], [Float]) -> [(Float, Float)]
dot_split = zip
dot_map :: [(Float, Float)] -> [Float]
dot_map l = map ((*), l)
dot_fold :: [Float] -> Float
dot_fold l = fold ((+), 0, l)
-- Stages: ([Float], [Float]) |unfold> [(Float, Float) |map> Float] |fold> Float
dot :: ([Float], [Float]) -> Float
dot = dot_fold . dot_map . dot_split
A fold corresponds to a catamorphism, where the base list functor, in Haskell,
is L
, shown below:
fold (op, z, l) = cata (const z :+: op)
newtype L a b = L (Maybe (a, b))
instance Base L [] where
inf :: L a [a] -> [a]
inf Nothing = []
inf Just (h, t) = h::t
outf :: [a] -> L a [a]
outf [] = Nothing
outf (h:t) = Just (h,t)
cata :: Base f g => forall a b. (f a b -> b) -> g a -> b
cata f = f . bimap (id, cata_f) . outf
where cata_f = cata f
List reduce:
newtype T a b = T (Either (Maybe a) (b, b))
inT :: T a [a] -> [a]
inT (Left Nothing) = []
inT (Left (Just x)) = [x]
inT (Right t) = append t
outT :: [a] -> T a [a]
outT [] = Left Nothing
outT [x] = Left (Just x)
outT xs = Right (split xs)
where split l = (take (length l `div` 2) l, drop (length l `div` 2) l)
-- Note that by factoring out the `reshaping`, reduce becomes a `cata`
reduce :: forall a b. (T a b -> b) -> [a] -> b
reduce f = f . bimap (id, reduce_f) . outL
where reduce_f = reduce f
Dot-fold can be rewritten to use a reduce, because (+) is associative:
dot_fold :: [Float] -> Float
dot_fold l = fold ((+), 0, l)
dot_reduce :: [Float] -> Float
dot_reduce l = reduce f l
where f (Left Nothing) = 0
f (Left (Just x)) = x
f (Just (a, b)) = a + b
-- forall l, dot_fold l = dot_reduce l, because (+, 0) forms a monoid
The recursive structure of dot_reduce
is therefore that of reduce
, or:
-- type Tree a = Mu (T a)
-- isomorphic to:
data Tree a = Empty | Leaf a | Node (Tree a) (Tree a)
The idea is to map constructors to unique participants. Each participant
represents a process that is in charge of doing a reduction. From a multiparty
perspective, we need a static "process network" that is capable of handling
multiple shapes of Tree
. Each participant in that protocol contains a
sub-tree, and forwards a value, the result of the computation, to the "parent
node". If we want a degree of parallelism of "n", this implies handling trees of
depth "n":
data Tree a = Empty | Leaf a | Node (Tree a) (Tree a)
data TreeShape = Empty_Leaf' Int | Node' Int Tree_Shape Tree_Shape
- Technical development:
- Polynomial expressions to MPST (considering adding annotations tagging roles to functions in interactions).
- Implementation:
- Deep-embedding of expressions in Poly
- Examples:
- Dot product
- N-Body (naive)
- N-Body (Barnes-Hut)
- Black-Scholes
- K-Means
- Lineq
- Heat equation
- Wordcount
- AdPredictor