perl app to show stats from cloud mining provider like zencloud. The main sense it, to run it on a secure server as cronjob to push the Stats als Webhook to other Services like Zapier
For the moment only zencloud is available.
For Easy usage: a Docker autobuild exist, use it with: docker pull dbiesecke/app-cloudmining
cloudmining zencloud <username> <password> [long options...]
cloudmining help
cloudmining zencloud --help
zecloud api commands
username Username for login [Required; Important!]
password Password for login [Required; Important!]
--as_csv Print as csv [Flag]
--as_json Print as JSON [Flag]
--config Path to command config file
--debug set Debug mode for verbose [Flag]
--help -h --usage -? Prints this usage information. [Flag]
--show_miner -s Verbose miner stat's output [Flag]
--verbose set verbose to show more stats [Flag]
--webhook -w Webhook URL to push your stats [Default:""]
Can push the result as webhook to services like Zapier
Small stats can also printed as CSV:
$0 zencloud --as_csv --as_json=false -s <USER> PASSWORD>
Coin,est_payout,power,activated BTC 0.01281803 951.998 10/17/2014 Scrypt 0.08127414 90.188 10/14/2014
Show small stats ( without -s switch ), Default for the moment
$0 zencloud <USER> PASSWORD>
{ "totalScryptHashpower":"91.754 MH", "btc_deposit":" 0.00750092", "btcUSD":"2.74 USD", "totalBtcHashpower":"878.070 GH", "btc24hPayout":"0.1084 BTC", "btc_addr":"1mNCBUzAgh697ME1EMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" }
Show small stats ( with -s switch ).
$0 zencloud -s <USER> PASSWORD>
{ "btc24hPayout":"0.0110 BTC", "btc_addr":"1JHtq38EzysKHZGVrr7aXXXXXXXX", "totalScryptHashpower":"30.128 MH", "btc_deposit":" 0.02682629", "btcUSD":"9.81 USD", "feeUSD":2.4, "miner":[ { "feeUSD":"2.24000000", "power":"28.409", "name":"Hashlet 1", "coin":"Scrypt", "sellprice":"0", "activated":"10/17/2014", "est_payoutBTC":"0.00887795" }, { "sellprice":"0", "activated":"10/18/2014", "est_payoutBTC":"0.00099870", "power":"1.029", "name":"Hashlet Prime 1", "coin":"Scrypt", "feeUSD":"0.08000000" }, { "sellprice":"31.6", "activated":"10/01/2014", "est_payoutBTC":"0.00057479", "feeUSD":"0.08000000", "power":"42.800", "name":"Hashlet Genesis 10", "coin":"BTC" } ], "totalBtcHashpower":"40.520 GH", "btc24hPayout_est":0.01045144 }