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Canadian National Air Pollution Surveillance Program (NAPS) data downloader, importer, extractor, analysis, and visualization toolbox.


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NAPS Data Analysis Toolbox

Download NAPS air quality data here



Welcome to the Canada National Air Pollution Surveillance Program (NAPS) data downloader, extractor, importer, analysis, and visualization toolbox.

This project will eventually contain a collection of tools to assist in the analysis of Canadian air quality data. The data is provided by the National Air Pollution Surveillance (NAPS) program, which is part of Environment and Climate Change Canada. You can view the original data here.

I started this project because, despite the wealth of data that NAPS provides, analysing it is challenging, time consuming and error prone. The data from the NAPS portal is spread out in hundreds of XLS/XLSX/CSV files, with dozens of formats, different units of measure, different naming conventions, etc. With this toolbox, anyone can use the downloader tools to download all of the data they need in one command. I then provide the tools needed to parse all this data, clean it up and import it into a single simple, clean database schema. After that, you can analyse the data using whatever tool works best for you. I provide a powerful dynamic query tool, a CSV exporter tool, a heat map visualization tool to generate pretty graphs, and a couple example BI dashboards to get you started with BI tools. And if all of that is too complicated, you might still be interested in either the data download web page or the clean data exports that republish the NAPS data in a consistent format.

All usage is for non-commercial research purposes. I am not affiliated with the Government of Canada.

Data Download Web Page

If you are simply looking to download NAPS air quality data, I have created a simple web page that makes it quick and easy to download CSV files. This web page is hosted on GitHub Pages and delivers static content from the /docs directory of this project.

Clean Data Exports

Last Updated March 2025

The NAPS data is messy; the data files contain many inconsistencies in structure, formatting, labelling, etc. In order to load all this data into a clean database, I needed to implement many clean-up rules and handle many exceptional cases. I believe this work could be of benefit to others.

If you are curious about the data issues I have encountered, I have started keeping track of some of the non-trivial issues here.

In the /exports directory you will find many CSV files that re-publish the same NAPS data but cleaned-up and grouped. These files were generated using the NAPSContinuousDataExporter and NAPSIntegratedDataExporter.

Integrated Data

All of the integrated data exports have been zipped to compress them. I have exported the data 3 different ways:

  • PerPollutant - contains data that is grouped into a single file for each pollutant.
  • PerSite - contains data that is grouped into a single file for each site (station).
  • PerYear - contains data that is grouped into a single file for each year.

Continuous Data

All of the continuous data exports have been zipped to compress them. There is significantly more continuous data than integrated data. The zip files will expand to about 15GB in total. I have exported the data 3 different ways:

  • PerPollutant - contains data that is grouped into a single file for each pollutant.
  • PerSite - contains data that is grouped into a single file for each site (station).
  • PerYear - contains data that is grouped into a single file for each year.

To work around GitHub's file size limit of 100MB, some of the zip files have been created as multi-part archives. You will need to download all of the parts of the archive before you can extract the main zip file.

Even More Granular Data

If you are looking for even more granular data, have a look at the /docs/data directory which contains nearly 300,000 CSV files. I have created a simple web page with simple dropdowns that make it quick and easy to download these CSV files.

Data Analysis

Dynamic Queries

The NAPS Data Analysis Toolbox provides powerful tools for the analysis of Canadian air quality data. The dynamic query tools for both the continuous and integrated data allow you to run highly customized queries to aggregate or simply retrieve the data in the way that you need it, in a single command.

The dynamic query tools have support for several types of aggregation functions, multiple levels of grouping, filtering on many dimensions (site IDs, site name, pollutants, hour, days of the week, days of the month, months, years, provinces/territories, city name, site type, site urbanization), standard deviation functions, sample counts, minimum sample counts (to optionally ensure a statistically significant number of data points), lower and upper bounds for data points (to optionally exclude outliers) and post-aggregation lower and upper bounds (to eliminate results outside the scope of interest). I'm planning to add even more functionality in the future.

Say, for example, you want to know how many times the hourly reading for carbon monoxide exceeded the national standard of 13ppm across all of Canada for the years between 1974 and 2022. You can produce the following table by running the following command:

-pollutants CO
-group1 year
-yearStart 1974
-yearEnd 2022
-aggregateFunction count
-valueLowerBound 13

The table output will look something like this:

For more details on how to run these query tools, see the continuous and integrated data query sections below.

Heat Map Diagrams

The NAPS Data Analysis Toolbox provides tools for generating heat map diagrams for both the continuous and integrated data. These heat maps are highly customizable and can be generated in a single command. They make it much easier to spot trends in the data. For example, here is the entire history carbon monoxide readings for all NAPS sites, for all of Canada, aggregated into a single heat map diagram.

Avg_CO_By Day of the Year and Year

From this diagram alone there are some trends that immediately stand out, such as:

  • the significant improvement to air quality over the years,
  • the higher concentrations of CO in winter months,
  • the reduction of CO on weekends (the apparent diagonal lines),
  • the reduction of CO on holidays, such as Christmas and New Year's day,
  • the larger number of outlier reading in 2016.

We can change the x-axis to get a view of what is happening on the weekends compared to the weekdays:

(Note that this second heat map uses a different colour palette that better suits the data.)

Focusing on a single year (2002) makes it easy to see the difference between summer and winter months:

Similarly, we can look at any pollutant, or all pollutants. Here is SO2, for all years, using a third colour palette:

Avg_SO2_By Day of the Year and Year

And here are two heat maps for lead, showing the average and maximum concentrations, respectively. This makes it easy to see the large reduction in air pollution starting with the ban on leaded gasoline in 1990:

(The provinces of Ontario & Quebec were only chosen to demonstrate the ability to filter by province/territory.)

We can limit the results to only large and medium urban areas, and focus in around the year 1990 to better see the large effect of the ban on leaded gasoline:

Integrated_Avg By Week of the Year and Year

Here is a breakdown by province/territory of PM2.5 concentrations. The upper and lower bounds of the colour scales have been fixed to be consistent between all 13 graphs. The seasonal trends by province become apparent when averaging the data over many years.

The seasonal differences between Ontario and Quebec become more apparent when looking at just the large and medium urban zones. Here is a comparison of both the average and maximum PM2.5 concentrations:

Here are two different colour gradients showing the average concentration (ppb) of O3 for all NAPS sites, spanning all available years. This shows a drastic shift of peak ozone concentrations by 3 months from the end of June to the end of March.

We can further separate the data out between rural and urban sites. Rural data is not available prior to 1980. There is a significant difference between rural and urban sites in the way peak ozone concentrations have shifted over the years, with rural areas seeing a more rapid shift in 1980s. Overall, rural areas have shifted nearly 4 weeks more than urban areas.

To reduce the impact of different sampling sites over the years, the following shows just rural Ontario locations. The colour scale has been adjusted to fit this data compared to the previous graphs.

The queries used to generate these heat maps are fully dynamic and there are several colour palettes to choose from. The minimum and maximum values that determine the colour scale are calculated automatically, but there are also options to clamp/limit the values to a lower and an upper bound to prevent outliers from shifting the entire scale. The titles, axis labels, legends and file names are all automatically generated. There is also an option to produce an accompanying CSV table containing all of the data used to render the heat map.

For more details on how to generate custom heat maps, see the continuous and integrated heat map sections below.


In the /reports directory you will find a sample Microsoft Power BI report. This report is example of how a BI tool can be used for visualizing the NAPS data. This report is designed to be used in conjunction with the database schema built and populated by the tools in this tool box. For information on how to set-up your database and connect to it using Power BI, check out the Getting Started section below.

Report 2

Report 1

Report 3

I plan to eventually add sample reports for other BI/Data Visualization software that are open source, free, and available on more platforms than just Windows x86-64.

Getting Started

The following steps will guide you in building a database from scratch, populating it with NAPS data, and querying/analysing the NAPS data.

Installing PostgreSQL

The tools in this toolbox are designed to be used with a PostgreSQL database. PostgreSQL was chosen because it is feature-rich, highly performant, open-source, free, and widely available on multiple platforms.

You can download an installer of PostgreSQL for every major desktop/server OS here. The installer will walk you through the process of creating an initial database with a user and password.

Installing Java

The tools in this toolbox are written in Java. You will need the Java 21 or later in order to run any of the tools. The Java JDK is free, multi-platform (supporting Windows, Linux, MacOS, etc.), multi-architecture (supporting x86 and ARM), and can be downloaded directly from Oracle.

Downloading the Data

There are three separate tools included in this tool box that will automatically download that data files from the NAPS website and save them to a local directory. These tools were created to eliminate the tedious clicking of manually downloading and extracting all the data files. You can download any of the files in any order. The sites definition data file is only required if you will be downloading the integrated data.


This tool will download all of the NAPS site definitions from the NAPS website and save them to disk in the specified directory. You can run the tool using the following command line command, on Windows, in the directory of the naps_data.jar:

java -cp naps_data.jar -p C:\temp\NAPSData\RawFiles -t 10

For more information about the possible command line arguments, see the NAPSSitesDownloader section below.


This tool will download all of the NAPS continuous air quality data from the NAPS website and save it to disk in the specified directory. This is optional and only needs to be run if you want to analyze the continuous air quality data. A sub-directory named ContinuousData will be automatically created. You can run the tool using the following command line command, on Windows, in the directory of the naps_data.jar:

java -cp naps_data.jar -p C:\temp\NAPSData\RawFiles -t 10

For more information about the possible command line arguments, see the NAPSContinuousDataDownloader section below.


This tool will download all of the NAPS integrated air quality data from the NAPS website and save it to disk in the specified directory. This is optional and only needs to be run if you want to analyze the integrated air quality data. A sub-directory named IntegratedData will be automatically created. You can run the tool using the following command line command, on Windows, in the directory of the naps_data.jar:

java -cp naps_data.jar -p C:\temp\NAPSData\RawFiles -t 10

For more information about the possible command line arguments, see the NAPSIntegratedDataDownloader section below.

Loading the Data

There are three separate tools included in this tool box that are used to parse the data from the files downloaded in the previous step and insert that data in that database. Any of the three tools will automatically create the database schema, if needed. The sites definition data must be loaded first and is required if you will be loading the integrated data into the database. Ensure that the PostgreSQL database previously created is running.


This tool will load all of the NAPS site definitions into the database. This must be run before running the NAPSIntegratedDataLoader. Assuming you are using all default database connection parameters, you can run the tool using the following command line command, on Windows, in the directory of the naps_data.jar:

java -cp naps_data.jar -p C:\temp\NAPSData\RawFiles -t 10

For more information about the possible command line arguments, see the NAPSSitesLoader section below.


This tool will load all of the NAPS continuous air quality data into the database. This is optional and only needs to be run if you want to analyze the continuous air quality data. Assuming you are using all default database connection parameters, you can run the tool using the following command line command, on Windows, in the directory of the naps_data.jar:

java -cp naps_data.jar -p C:\temp\NAPSData\RawFiles\ContinuousData -t 10

For more information about the possible command line arguments, see the NAPSContinuousDataLoader section below.


This tool will load all of the NAPS integrated air quality data into the database. This is optional and only needs to be run if you want to analyze the integrated air quality data. This must be run after all of the NAPS site definitions have been loaded into the database using NAPSSitesLoader (see above). Assuming you are using all default database connection parameters, you can run the tool using the following command line command, on Windows, in the directory of the naps_data.jar:

java -cp naps_data.jar -p C:\temp\NAPSData\RawFiles\IntegratedData -t 10

For more information about the possible command line arguments, see the NAPSIntegratedDataLoader section below.

Querying the Data

By now, all the data you wish to analyse should have been loaded into your database using either the NAPSContinuousDataLoader, the NAPSIntegratedDataLoader, or both. You may now want to query the data to retrieve what you need for your own analysis.

Assuming you are using all default database connection parameters, you can run the continuous query tool using the following command line command, on Windows, in the directory of the naps_data.jar:

java -cp naps_data.jar -p C:\temp\NAPSData\queries\continuous -pollutants CO -group1 year -yearStart 1974 -yearEnd 2022 -aggregateFunction count -valueLowerBound 13

Likewise, you can run the integrated query tool using the following command line command, on Windows, in the directory of the naps_data.jar:

java -cp naps_data.jar -p C:\temp\NAPSData\queries\integrated -pollutants 3-Methyloctane -group1 day_of_week -aggregateFunction avg -showSampleCount

These are just example queries; you will need to craft a command that works for your scenario. For more information about the possible command line arguments, see either the NAPSContinuousDataQuery section or the NAPSIntegratedDataQuery section below.

Generating Heat Maps

By now, all the data you wish to analyse should have been loaded into your database using either the NAPSContinuousDataLoader, the NAPSIntegratedDataLoader, or both. You may now want to generate heat map diagrams to visualize the data as part of your own analysis.

Assuming you are using all default database connection parameters, you can run the continuous heat map tool using the following command line command, on Windows, in the directory of the naps_data.jar:

java -cp naps_data.jar -p C:\temp\NAPSData\heatmaps\continuous -aggregateFunction avg -group1 day_of_year -group2 year -pollutants SO2 -generateCSV -colourGradient 3

Likewise, you can run the integrated query tool using the following command line command, on Windows, in the directory of the naps_data.jar:

java -cp naps_data.jar -p C:\temp\NAPSData\heatmaps\integrated -aggregateFunction max -group1 month -group2 year -pollutants Lead -provTerr ON,QC -generateCSV -colourGradient 2

These are just example heat maps; you will need to craft a command that works for your scenario. For more information about the possible command line arguments, see either the NAPSContinuousHeatMap section or the NAPSIntegratedHeatMap section below.

Installing Microsoft Power BI

If you are interested, I have created an example Power BI report to demonstrate how dashboards can make use of the database that you previously created and populated with NAPS data in the previous steps above.

The desktop version of Microsoft Power BI is a free tool for exploring and visualizing data. You can find it here. Unfortunately, it only supports Windows x86-64 systems. I do plan to eventually make sample reports for other BI/Data Visualization software.

Creating a Report

After starting Microsoft Power BI and creating a new blank report, you will need connect to your database, previously populated with NAPS data (see steps above). Provided your database is installed locally and you have used all default database settings, connecting should be as easy as selecting the PostgreSQL database option in the Get Data menu, and entering localhost as the Server and postgres as the User. get data Connect to DB

If you previously chose to load the entire NAPS dataset into your database, then I would highly suggest using the DirectQuery Data Connectivity mode, since there is likely too much database for Power BI to import. After successfully connecting to the database, Power BI will ask what tables you want to use. You should select all of them.

Screenshot 2024-06-19 231428

It will then connect to each of the tables and build a model. image

If all goes well, the model view of your report should look like the following:


You can now drag-and-drop columns onto the visualization to start building your report/dashboard. If you would like to view the sample report to see how it was made, you can simply download it from here and open it in Power BI.

NAPS Site Tools

The following tools are used for downloading a list of NAPS sites and loading the site definitions into a database.


A Java tool that downloads a single file containing all of the sites (sampling stations) for the NAPS program. This is the simplest tool in the toolbox and is only included for sake of completeness. The file is downloaded from here to the specified directory.

You can invoke this tool by running the class Note that the threadCount argument is meaningless since there is only one file to download.

Command line usage:

 -o,  --overwriteFiles       Replace the existing file.
 -p,  --downloadPath <arg>   Local path for downloaded files.
 -t,  --threadCount <arg>    Maximum number of parallel threads.
 -v,  --verbose              Make logging more verbose.


A Java tool that loads all of the sites (sampling stations) for the NAPS program (downloaded by the NAPSContinuousDataDownloader) from the provided directory into a PostgreSQL database, as specified. This tool looks for a single file named "sites.csv" in the provided directory. The database schema is automatically created when the tool runs. Once all the data is loaded, there should be 793 rows of data (as of March 2025) in the sites table of your database.

You can invoke this tool by running the class Note that the threadCount argument is meaningless since there is only one file to process.

Command line usage:

 -p,   --dataPath <arg>       Local path for the raw data file previously downloaded (sites.csv).
 -dbh, --dbHost <arg>         Hostname for the PostgreSQL database. Default: localhost
 -dbt, --dbPort <arg>         Port for the PostgreSQL database. Default: 5432
 -dbn, --dbName <arg>         Database name for the PostgreSQL database. Default: naps
 -dbu, --dbUser <arg>         Database user name for the PostgreSQL database. Default: postgres
 -dbp, --dbPass <arg>         Database password for the PostgreSQL database. Default: password
 -t,   --threadCount <arg>    Maximum number of parallel threads.
 -v,   --verbose              Make logging more verbose.

Continuous Data Tools

The following tools are used for downloading continuous air quality data, loading the data into a database and exporting the data to CSV files. The continuous data represents instantaneous air quality measurements collected on a continuous bases and reported hourly.


A Java tool that will download all of the hourly continuous data for the provided years into the provided directory. All file names are unique and all files are downloaded into a single directory. Files are downloaded from here.

You can invoke this tool by running the class

Command line usage:

 -o,  --overwriteFiles       Replace existing files.
 -p,  --downloadPath <arg>   Local path for downloaded files.
 -t,  --threadCount <arg>    Maximum number of parallel threads.
 -v,  --verbose                    Make logging more verbose.
 -ye, --yearEnd <arg>        End year (inclusive).
 -ys, --yearStart <arg>      Start year (inclusive).


A Java tool that loads all of the raw continuous data, previously downloaded by the NAPSContinuousDataDownloader, from the provided directory into a PostgreSQL database, as specified. The database schema is automatically created when the tool runs. This tool automatically cleans-up and fixes data inconsistencies as it finds them. Once all the data is loaded, there should be about 285 million rows of data (as of March 2025) in the continuous_data table of your database.

You can invoke this tool by running the class

Command line usage:

 -p,   --dataPath <arg>       Local path for raw data files previously downloaded.
 -dbh, --dbHost <arg>         Hostname for the PostgreSQL database. Default: localhost
 -dbt, --dbPort <arg>         Port for the PostgreSQL database. Default: 5432
 -dbn, --dbName <arg>         Database name for the PostgreSQL database. Default: naps
 -dbu, --dbUser <arg>         Database user name for the PostgreSQL database. Default: postgres
 -dbp, --dbPass <arg>         Database password for the PostgreSQL database. Default: password
 -t,   --threadCount <arg>    Maximum number of parallel threads.
 -v,   --verbose              Make logging more verbose.


This powerful Java tool allows you to dynamically query the NAPS continuous data that was loaded into a PostgreSQL database using the NAPSContinuousDataLoader. It will output a CSV file containing a table of data based on the query rules that you provide. This tool is intended to be used for aggregating data (i.e. average, sum, minimum, maximum, etc.) that is grouped by one or more fields (e.g. pollutant, site, year, month, day, etc.). If you need to generate large tables of data that do not involve grouping functions, have a look at the NAPSContinuousDataExporter.

You can invoke this tool by running the class

Command line usage:

 -a,   --aggregateFunction <arg>  Data aggregation function (AVG, MIN, MAX, COUNT, SUM, P50, P95, P98, P99, NONE).
 -cn,  --cityName <arg>           City name, partial match.
 -ct,  --title <arg>              Chart title. Will be automatically generated if not defined.
 -d,   --days <arg>               Comma-separated list of days of the month.
 -dbh, --dbHost <arg>             Hostname for the PostgreSQL database. Default: localhost
 -dbn, --dbName <arg>             Database name for the PostgreSQL database. Default: naps
 -dbp, --dbPass <arg>             Database password for the PostgreSQL database. Default: password
 -dbt, --dbPort <arg>             Port for the PostgreSQL database. Default: 5432
 -dbu, --dbUser <arg>             Database user name for the PostgreSQL database. Default: postgres
 -dow, --daysOfWeek <arg>         Comma-separated list of days of the week, starting at 1 for Sunday.
 -fn,  --fileName <arg>           Custom file name without the extension. Will be automatically generated if not defined.
 -fp,  --filePerPollutant         Create a separate file for each pollutant.
 -fs,  --filePerSite              Create a separate file for each site.
 -fy,  --filePerYear              Create a separate file for each year.
 -g1,  --group1 <arg>             Data field for level 1 grouping.
 -g2,  --group2 <arg>             Data field for optional level 2 grouping.
 -g3,  --group3 <arg>             Data field for optional level 3 grouping
 -g4,  --group4 <arg>             Data field for optional level 4 grouping
 -g5,  --group5 <arg>             Data field for optional level 5 grouping
 -m,   --months <arg>             Comma-separated list of months of the year, starting at 1 for January.
 -o,   --overwriteFiles           Replace existing files.
 -p,   --dataPath <arg>           Local path to save the data.
 -pn,  --pollutants <arg>         Comma-separated list of pollutant names.
 -pt,  --provTerr <arg>           Comma-separated list of 2-digit province & territory codes.
 -rlb, --resultLowerBound <arg>   Lower bound (inclusive) of post-aggregated results to include. Results less than this
                                     threshold will be filtered out of the result set after aggregation.
 -rub, --resultUpperBound <arg>   Upper bound (inclusive) of post-aggregated results to include. Results greater than
                                     this threshold will be filtered out of the result set after aggregation.
 -sc,  --showSampleCount          Include the sample count (number of samples or data points) in the result set.
 -scm, --minSampleCount <arg>     Minimum sample count (number of samples or data points) in order to be included in the
                                     result set.
 -sid, --sites <arg>              Comma-separated list of site IDs.
 -sn,  --siteName <arg>           NAPS site (station) name, partial match.
 -st, --siteType <arg>            NAPS site type classification (PE, RB, T, PS).
 -stdDevPop, --showStdDevPop      Include the population standard deviation in the result set.
 -stdDevSmp, --showStdDevSamp     Include the sample standard deviation in the result set.
 -t,   --threadCount <arg>        Maximum number of parallel threads.
 -u,   --urbanization <arg>       NAPS site urbanization classification (LU, MU, SU, NU).
 -v,   --verbose                  Make logging more verbose.
 -vlb, --valueLowerBound <arg>    Lower bound (inclusive) of pre-aggregated raw values to include. Values less than this
                                     threshold will be filtered out before aggregation.
 -vub, --valueUpperBound <arg>    Upper bound (inclusive) of pre-aggregated raw values to include. Values greater than
                                     this threshold will be filtered out before aggregation.
 -ye,  --yearEnd <arg>            End year (inclusive).
 -ys,  --yearStart <arg>          Start year (inclusive).

Aggregation Rules:

  • The possible values for the aggregation function are AVG, MIN, MAX, COUNT, SUM, P50, P95, P98, P99, NONE.
  • The default aggregation function, if not specified, is AVG.
  • P95, P98, and P99 represent the 95th, 98th, and 99th percentiles of concentration values, respectively.
  • P50 represents the 50th percentile of concentration values, which is equivalent to the median for non-discrete data.
  • The use of an aggregation function does not require the use of grouping (options group1 through group5). This will effectively aggregate all of the data points into a single value. Use the option --showSampleCount to include the number of data points that were aggregated.
  • The aggregation function cannot be set to NONE when specifying grouping using the options group1 through group5. It is possible to set the aggregation function to NONE if no groups are specified, but this has limited usefulness since it will produce a table with a single column containing only the raw values (sample data points).
  • The minimum sample count option cannot be used when the aggregate function is set to NONE since the sample count will always be 1.
  • Post-aggregated bounds (both upper and lower) cannot be used when the aggregate function is set to NONE.
  • Both the population standard deviation and the sample standard deviation cannot be used when the aggregate function is set to NONE.
  • A check is performed to prevent the aggregation of data from different pollutants with different units of measurement. For example, it would not make sense to calculate the average of data points measured in a mix of µg/m³ and ppb.

Filtering Rules:

  • The possible values for month are either the full names (JANUARY, FEBRUARY, MARCH, APRIL, MAY, JUNE, JULY, AUGUST, SEPTEMBER, OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, DECEMBER) case-insensitive, or the month numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12), starting at 1 for January.
  • The possible values for daysOfWeek are either the full names (SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY) case-insensitive, or the day of the week numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), starting at 1 for Sunday.
  • The possible values for siteType are PE, RB, T, PS, representing General Population, Regional Background, Transportation, Point Source (respectively).
  • The possible values for urbanization are LU, MU, SU, NU, representing Large Urban, Medium Urban, Small Urban, Rural (Non Urban) (respectively).
  • Both site (station) names and city names are treated as case-insensitive partial matches. This means a value of labrador will match the city name of LABRADOR CITY.

Other Notes:

  • A title will be automatically generated for the report based on the aggregation and filtering rules that you provide. You can override this title by using the --title option. Setting it to empty "" will omit it entirely.

Example Query:

Say, for example, you are studying the effects of wildfires on air quality in Canada and you want generate a unique table of data for each site and each year. You want those tables to contain each day of summer months between 2018 and 2022 where the average PM2.5 measurement for that day exceeded a threshold of 20, in all sites in Alberta.

In addition to the obligatory -dataPath option, you can add the following command line options:

-provTerr AB
-months 5,6,7,8,9
-pollutants PM2.5
-yearStart 2018
-yearEnd 2022
-group1 month
-group2 day
-aggregateFunction avg
-minSampleCount 4
-valueUpperBound 1000
-resultLowerBound 20

Here is an explanation of what each option does:

  • -provTerr AB limits the results to only sites in Alberta.
  • -months 5,6,7,8,9 limits the results to only the months of May-September
  • -pollutants PM2.5 limits the results to only PM2.5 measurements.
  • -yearStart 2018 will consider all years 2018 and later.
  • -yearEnd 2022 will consider all years 2022 and earlier.
  • -group1 month will group and order the data points first by month of the year, then
  • -group2 day will group and order the data points second by day of the month.
  • -aggregateFunction avg will average out the all the data points for each day.
  • -minSampleCount 4 will only include results for days that had at least 4 data points.
  • -valueUpperBound 1000 will discard any data points with a value greater than 1000.
  • -resultLowerBound 20 will only include results for day where the average PM2.5 measurement exceeded the threshold of 20.
  • -showSampleCount will include a column showing the number of data points.
  • -showStdDevSamp will include a column showing sample standard deviation.
  • -filePerSite will generate a separate table for each NAPS site, and
  • -filePerYear will generate a separate table for each year.

With these options, the results will include the average of the 24 PM2.5 measurements that were taken each day. It will only include results for days that had at least 4 data points, ensuring the results are statistically significant. Any data point with a value greater than 1000 is considered outliers and will be excluded because, in our hypothetical scenario, they exceed the maximum possible range for PM2.5 for the air quality sensors. A column indicating the number of samples (data points) will be included in the results. Also included is a column indicating the standard deviation, which shows how much the measurements for each day vary. Since a lower bound is specified, all the days where the average PM2.5 measurement was below the threshold of 20 (considered 'Poor' in terms of air quality) will be excluded; only poor air quality days will be included in the results. A separate table of results will be generated for each combination of naps site and year, provided data is available for that combination.

The complete command line command is the following:

 java -cp naps_data.jar -p C:\temp\NAPSData\Queries -t 5 -provTerr AB -months 5,6,7,8,9 -pollutants PM2.5 -yearStart 2018 -yearEnd 2022 -group1 month -group2 day -aggregateFunction avg -minSampleCount 4 -valueUpperBound 1000 -resultLowerBound 20 -showSampleCount -showStdDevSamp -filePerSite -filePerYear

The above example generated 224 tables of data, each saved in its own CSV file. The table for Redwater, Alberta contains only the poor air quality days and shows that nearly the entire month of August 2018 had poor air quality due to smoke from B.C. wildfires.



A Java tool that generates highly customizable heat map diagrams for the visualization of NAPS continuous data. These heat maps are saved in high resolution PNG format.

You can invoke this tool by running the class

Command line usage:

 -a,   --aggregateFunction <arg>  Data aggregation function (AVG, MIN, MAX, COUNT, SUM, P50, P95, P98, P99).
 -cg,  --colourGradient <arg>     Heat map colour gradient choice. Values are 1-9 (inclusive).
 -clb, --colourLowerBound <arg>   Heat map colour lower bound (inclusive).
 -cn,  --cityName <arg>           City name, partial match.
 -csv, --generateCSV              Generate a corresponding CSV file containing the raw data for each heat map.
 -ct,  --title <arg>              Chart title. Will be automatically generated if not defined.
 -cub, --colourUpperBound <arg>   Heat map colour upper bound (inclusive).
 -d,   --days <arg>               Comma-separated list of days of the month.
 -dbh, --dbHost <arg>             Hostname for the PostgreSQL database. Default: localhost
 -dbn, --dbName <arg>             Database name for the PostgreSQL database. Default: naps
 -dbp, --dbPass <arg>             Database password for the PostgreSQL database. Default: password
 -dbt, --dbPort <arg>             Port for the PostgreSQL database. Default: 5432
 -dbu, --dbUser <arg>             Database user name for the PostgreSQL database. Default: postgres
 -dow, --daysOfWeek <arg>         Comma-separated list of days of the week, starting at 1 for Sunday.
 -fn,  --fileName <arg>           Custom file name without the extension. Will be automatically generated if not defined.
 -fp,  --filePerPollutant         Create a separate file for each pollutant.
 -fs,  --filePerSite              Create a separate file for each site.
 -fy,  --filePerYear              Create a separate file for each year.
 -g1,  --group1 <arg>             Data field for the heat map X-axis.
 -g2,  --group2 <arg>             Data field for the heat map Y-axis.
 -m,   --months <arg>             Comma-separated list of months of the year, starting at 1 for January.
 -o,   --overwriteFiles           Replace existing files.
 -p,   --dataPath <arg>           Local path to save the data.
 -pn,  --pollutants <arg>         Comma-separated list of pollutant names.
 -pt,  --provTerr <arg>           Comma-separated list of 2-digit province & territory codes.
 -rlb, --resultLowerBound <arg>   Lower bound (inclusive) of post-aggregated results to include. Results less than this
                                     threshold will be filtered out of the result set after aggregation.
 -rub, --resultUpperBound <arg>   Upper bound (inclusive) of post-aggregated results to include. Results greater than
                                     this threshold will be filtered out of the result set after aggregation.
 -scm, --minSampleCount <arg>     Minimum sample count (number of samples or data points) in order to be included in the
                                     result set.
 -sid, --sites <arg>              Comma-separated list of site IDs.
 -sn,  --siteName <arg>           NAPS site (station) name, partial match.
 -st,  --siteType <arg>           NAPS site type classification (PE, RB, T, PS).
 -t,   --threadCount <arg>        Maximum number of parallel threads.
 -u,   --urbanization <arg>       NAPS site urbanization classification (LU, MU, SU, NU).
 -v,   --verbose                  Make logging more verbose.
 -vlb, --valueLowerBound <arg>    Lower bound (inclusive) of pre-aggregated raw values to include. Values less than this
                                     threshold will be filtered out before aggregation.
 -vub, --valueUpperBound <arg>    Upper bound (inclusive) of pre-aggregated raw values to include. Values greater than
                                     this threshold will be filtered out before aggregation.
 -ye,  --yearEnd <arg>            End year (inclusive).
 -ys,  --yearStart <arg>          Start year (inclusive).

Colour Palettes:

9 different colour palettes are currently offered. I plan to eventually add more in the future. The current palettes are the following:

  1. A smooth gradient based on the colour wheel from blue to red. All of the colours are fully saturated.
  2. A 12 step gradient from blue to red with less saturation than the first colour palette.
  3. A simplified 5 step gradient from blue to red.
  4. A two colour gradient from blue to red, with purple mixed in-between.
  5. A 5 step colour blind friendly gradient of greenish-yellow to dark orange.
  6. A 3 step black-red-orange gradient, similar to black-body radiation, up to approximately 1300 degrees kelvin.
  7. Same as number 6 but two more steps are added to extend the scale up to approximately 6500k degrees kelvin.
  8. A 50 step colour gradient based on Dave Green's ‘cubehelix’ colour scheme
  9. A 2 step grey-scale gradient that should be used for non-colour screen/print-outs.

The default colour palette, if not specified, is number 1. Here are examples of what the colour palette look like, in order:

Continuous_By Day of the Month and Month_C1 Continuous_By Day of the Month and Month_C2 Continuous_By Day of the Month and Month_C3 Continuous_By Day of the Month and Month_C4 Continuous_By Day of the Month and Month_C5 Continuous_By Day of the Month and Month_C6 Continuous_By Day of the Month and Month_C7 Continuous_By Day of the Month and Month_C8 Continuous_By Day of the Month and Month_C9

Aggregation Rules:

  • The possible values for the aggregation function are AVG, MIN, MAX, COUNT, SUM, P50, P95, P98, P99.
  • The use of an aggregation function is mandatory to generate the heat map.
  • The default aggregation function, if not specified, is AVG.
  • P95, P98, and P99 represent the 95th, 98th, and 99th percentiles of concentration values, respectively.
  • P50 represents the 50th percentile of concentration values, which is equivalent to the median for non-discrete data.
  • Both the group1 and group2 options are mandatory since they represent the x-axis and y-axis of the chart, respectively.
  • A check is performed to prevent the aggregation of data from different pollutants with different units of measurement. For example, it would not make sense to calculate the average of data points measured in a mix of µg/m³ and ppb.

Filtering Rules:

  • The possible values for month are either the full names (JANUARY, FEBRUARY, MARCH, APRIL, MAY, JUNE, JULY, AUGUST, SEPTEMBER, OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, DECEMBER) case-insensitive, or the month numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12), starting at 1 for January.
  • The possible values for daysOfWeek are either the full names (SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY) case-insensitive, or the day of the week numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), starting at 1 for Sunday.
  • The possible values for siteType are PE, RB, T, PS, representing General Population, Regional Background, Transportation, Point Source (respectively).
  • The possible values for urbanization are LU, MU, SU, NU, representing Large Urban, Medium Urban, Small Urban, Rural (Non Urban) (respectively).
  • Both site (station) names and city names are treated as case-insensitive partial matches. This means a value of labrador will match the city name of LABRADOR CITY.


  • The generateCSV option will output a CSV file containing a table of all of the data that was used to generate the heat map. The file will be written in the same directory as the heat map and will have the same file name, except it will have a .csv file extension instead of a .png file extension.
  • The colourLowerBound and colourUpperBound can be used to limit the scale that is mapped to the colour gradient. This is useful for helping to emphasize differences that appear in the centre of the overall range of values, or preventing outliers from shifting the entire scale. When specified, the legend will indicate that either the lower or upper bound by adding >= and <= to the bottom and top of the scale, respectively. If not specified, then the minimum and maximum values of the colour gradient scale will be calculated automatically.
  • A title will be automatically generated for the report based on the aggregation and filtering rules that you provide. You can override this title by using the --title option. Setting it to empty "" will omit it entirely.


A Java tool that exports the continuous data, previously loaded by the NAPSContinuousDataLoader, from a PostgreSQL database to one or more CSV files at the directory location specified. The data is in a flat, denormalized, CSV format and is encoded in UTF-8 with a BOM. This format is compatible with all modern versions of Excel. The tool allows you to specify what years, pollutants, and sites you want to export. It also lets you specify if you want the data grouped into a single file by any combination of per year, per pollutant and per site.

You can invoke this tool by running the class

Command line usage:

 -t,   --threadCount <arg> Maximum number of parallel threads.
 -dbh, --dbHost <arg>      Hostname for the PostgreSQL database. Default: localhost
 -dbn, --dbName <arg>      Database name for the PostgreSQL database. Default: naps
 -dbp, --dbPass <arg>      Database password for the PostgreSQL database. Default: password
 -dbt, --dbPort <arg>      Port for the PostgreSQL database. Default: 5432
 -dbu, --dbUser <arg>      Database user name for the PostgreSQL database. Default: postgres
 -fn,  --fileName <arg>    Custom file name without the extension. Will be automatically generated if not defined.
 -fp,  --filePerPollutant  Create a separate file for each pollutant.
 -fs,  --filePerSite       Create a separate file for each site.
 -fy,  --filePerYear       Create a separate file for each year.
 -o,   --overwriteFiles    Replace existing files.
 -p,   --dataPath <arg>    Local path to save the exported data.
 -pn,  --pollutants <arg>  Comma-separated list of pollutant names.
 -sid, --sites <arg>       Comma-separated list of site IDs.
 -v,   --verbose           Make logging more verbose.
 -ye,  --yearEnd <arg>     End year (inclusive).
 -ys,  --yearStart <arg>   Start year (inclusive).

Integrated Data Tools

The following tools are used for downloading integrated air quality data, loading the data into a database and exporting the data to CSV files. The integrated data represents air quality measurements that are sampled over a longer duration (typically 24 hours) and collected on a regular basis (every few days).


A Java tool that will download all of the integrated data for the provided years into the provided directory. Since many of the file names of the files conflict, each year will be downloaded into its own sub-directory. Files are downloaded from here.

You can invoke this tool by running the class

Command line usage:

 -o,  --overwriteFiles       Replace existing files.
 -p,  --downloadPath <arg>   Local path for downloaded files.
 -t,  --threadCount <arg>    Maximum number of parallel threads.
 -v,  --verbose              Make logging more verbose.
 -ye, --yearEnd <arg>        End year (inclusive).
 -ys, --yearStart <arg>      Start year (inclusive).


A Java tool that loads all of the raw integrated data, previously downloaded by the NAPSIntegratedDataDownloader, from the provided directory into a PostgreSQL database, as specified. The database schema is automatically created when the tool runs. This tool automatically cleans-up and fixes data inconsistencies as it finds them. Once all the data is loaded, there should be about 15 million rows of data (as of March 2025) in the integrated_data table of your database.

You can invoke this tool by running the class

NOTE: The NAPSSitesLoader must be run first in order to populate the naps.sites table with site (station) definitions prior to loading the integrated data!

Command line usage:

 -p,   --dataPath <arg>       Local path for raw data files previously downloaded.
 -dbh, --dbHost <arg>         Hostname for the PostgreSQL database. Default: localhost
 -dbt, --dbPort <arg>         Port for the PostgreSQL database. Default: 5432
 -dbn, --dbName <arg>         Database name for the PostgreSQL database. Default: naps
 -dbu, --dbUser <arg>         Database user name for the PostgreSQL database. Default: postgres
 -dbp, --dbPass <arg>         Database password for the PostgreSQL database. Default: password
 -t,   --threadCount <arg>    Maximum number of parallel threads.
 -v,   --verbose              Make logging more verbose.


This powerful Java tool allows you to dynamically query the NAPS integrated data that was loaded into a PostgreSQL database using the NAPSIntegratedDataLoader. It will output a CSV file containing a table of data based on the query rules that you provide. It functions the same as the NAPSContinuousDataQuery and accepts all of the same command line arguments, with the exception that the data fields used for grouping cannot include HOUR, since hour attribute only applies to continuous data, not integrated data.

You can invoke this tool by running the class

Command line usage:

 -a,   --aggregateFunction <arg>  Data aggregation function (AVG, MIN, MAX, COUNT, SUM, P50, P95, P98, P99, NONE).
 -cn,  --cityName <arg>           City name, partial match.
 -d,   --days <arg>               Comma-separated list of days of the month.
 -dbh, --dbHost <arg>             Hostname for the PostgreSQL database. Default: localhost
 -dbn, --dbName <arg>             Database name for the PostgreSQL database. Default: naps
 -dbp, --dbPass <arg>             Database password for the PostgreSQL database. Default: password
 -dbt, --dbPort <arg>             Port for the PostgreSQL database. Default: 5432
 -dbu, --dbUser <arg>             Database user name for the PostgreSQL database. Default: postgres
 -dow, --daysOfWeek <arg>         Comma-separated list of days of the week, starting at 1 for Sunday.
 -fn,  --fileName <arg>           Custom file name without the extension. Will be automatically generated if not defined.
 -fp,  --filePerPollutant         Create a separate file for each pollutant.
 -fs,  --filePerSite              Create a separate file for each site.
 -fy,  --filePerYear              Create a separate file for each year.
 -g1,  --group1 <arg>             Data field for level 1 grouping.
 -g2,  --group2 <arg>             Data field for optional level 2 grouping.
 -g3,  --group3 <arg>             Data field for optional level 3 grouping
 -g4,  --group4 <arg>             Data field for optional level 4 grouping
 -g5,  --group5 <arg>             Data field for optional level 5 grouping
 -m,   --months <arg>             Comma-separated list of months of the year, starting at 1 for January.
 -o,   --overwriteFiles           Replace existing files.
 -p,   --dataPath <arg>           Local path to save the data.
 -pn,  --pollutants <arg>         Comma-separated list of pollutant names.
 -pt,  --provTerr <arg>           Comma-separated list of 2-digit province & territory codes.
 -rlb, --resultLowerBound <arg>   Lower bound (inclusive) of post-aggregated results to include. Results less than this
                                     threshold will be filtered out of the result set after aggregation.
 -rub, --resultUpperBound <arg>   Upper bound (inclusive) of post-aggregated results to include. Results greater than
                                     this threshold will be filtered out of the result set after aggregation.
 -sc,  --showSampleCount          Include the sample count (number of samples or data points) in the result set.
 -scm, --minSampleCount <arg>     Minimum sample count (number of samples or data points) in order to be included in the
                                     result set.
 -sid, --sites <arg>              Comma-separated list of site IDs.
 -sn,  --siteName <arg>           NAPS site (station) name, partial match.
 -st,  --siteType <arg>           NAPS site type classification (PE, RB, T, PS).
 -stdDevPop, --showStdDevPop      Include the population standard deviation in the result set.
 -stdDevSmp, --showStdDevSamp     Include the sample standard deviation in the result set.
 -t,   --threadCount <arg>        Maximum number of parallel threads.
 -u,   --urbanization <arg>       NAPS site urbanization classification (LU, MU, SU, NU).
 -v,   --verbose                  Make logging more verbose.
 -vlb, --valueLowerBound <arg>    Lower bound (inclusive) of pre-aggregated raw values to include. Values less than this
                                     threshold will be filtered out before aggregation.
 -vub, --valueUpperBound <arg>    Upper bound (inclusive) of pre-aggregated raw values to include. Values greater than
                                     this threshold will be filtered out before aggregation.
 -ye,  --yearEnd <arg>            End year (inclusive).
 -ys,  --yearStart <arg>          Start year (inclusive).


All of the same rules and restrictions of the NAPSContinuousDataQuery apply.


A Java tool that generates highly customizable heat map diagrams for the visualization of NAPS integrated data. It functions the same as the NAPSContinuousHeatMap and accepts all of the same command line arguments, with the exception that the data fields used for the x and y axes (group1 and group2) cannot include HOUR, since hour attribute only applies to continuous data, not integrated data.

You can invoke this tool by running the class

Command line usage:

 -a,   --aggregateFunction <arg>  Data aggregation function (AVG, MIN, MAX, COUNT, SUM, P50, P95, P98, P99).
 -cg,  --colourGradient <arg>     Heat map colour gradient choice. Values are 1-8 (inclusive).
 -clb, --colourLowerBound <arg>   Heat map colour lower bound (inclusive).
 -cn,  --cityName <arg>           City name, partial match.
 -csv, --generateCSV              Generate a corresponding CSV file containing the raw data for each heat map.
 -cub, --colourUpperBound <arg>   Heat map colour upper bound (inclusive).
 -d,   --days <arg>               Comma-separated list of days of the month.
 -dbh, --dbHost <arg>             Hostname for the PostgreSQL database. Default: localhost
 -dbn, --dbName <arg>             Database name for the PostgreSQL database. Default: naps
 -dbp, --dbPass <arg>             Database password for the PostgreSQL database. Default: password
 -dbt, --dbPort <arg>             Port for the PostgreSQL database. Default: 5432
 -dbu, --dbUser <arg>             Database user name for the PostgreSQL database. Default: postgres
 -dow, --daysOfWeek <arg>         Comma-separated list of days of the week, starting at 1 for Sunday.
 -fn,  --fileName <arg>           Custom file name without the extension. Will be automatically generated if not defined.
 -fp,  --filePerPollutant         Create a separate file for each pollutant.
 -fs,  --filePerSite              Create a separate file for each site.
 -fy,  --filePerYear              Create a separate file for each year.
 -g1,  --group1 <arg>             Data field for the heat map X-axis.
 -g2,  --group2 <arg>             Data field for the heat map Y-axis.
 -m,   --months <arg>             Comma-separated list of months of the year, starting at 1 for January.
 -o,   --overwriteFiles           Replace existing files.
 -p,   --dataPath <arg>           Local path to save the data.
 -pn,  --pollutants <arg>         Comma-separated list of pollutant names.
 -pt,  --provTerr <arg>           Comma-separated list of 2-digit province & territory codes.
 -rlb, --resultLowerBound <arg>   Lower bound (inclusive) of post-aggregated results to include. Results less than this
                                     threshold will be filtered out of the result set after aggregation.
 -rub, --resultUpperBound <arg>   Upper bound (inclusive) of post-aggregated results to include. Results greater than
                                     this threshold will be filtered out of the result set after aggregation.
 -scm, --minSampleCount <arg>     Minimum sample count (number of samples or data points) in order to be included in the
                                     result set.
 -sid, --sites <arg>              Comma-separated list of site IDs.
 -sn,  --siteName <arg>           NAPS site (station) name, partial match.
 -st,  --siteType <arg>           NAPS site type classification (PE, RB, T, PS).
 -t,   --threadCount <arg>        Maximum number of parallel threads.
 -u,   --urbanization <arg>       NAPS site urbanization classification (LU, MU, SU, NU).
 -v,   --verbose                  Make logging more verbose.
 -vlb, --valueLowerBound <arg>    Lower bound (inclusive) of pre-aggregated raw values to include. Values less than this
                                     threshold will be filtered out before aggregation.
 -vub, --valueUpperBound <arg>    Upper bound (inclusive) of pre-aggregated raw values to include. Values greater than
                                     this threshold will be filtered out before aggregation.
 -ye,  --yearEnd <arg>            End year (inclusive).
 -ys,  --yearStart <arg>          Start year (inclusive).


All of the same rules and restrictions of the NAPSContinuousHeatMap apply.


A Java tool that exports the integrated data, previously loaded by the NAPSIntegratedDataLoader, from a PostgreSQL database to one or more CSV files at the directory location specified. The data is in a flat, denormalized, CSV format and is encoded in UTF-8 with a BOM. This format is compatible with all modern versions of Excel. The tool allows you to specify what years, pollutants, and sites you want to export. It also lets you specify if you want the data grouped into a single file by any combination of per year, per pollutant and per site.

You can invoke this tool by running the class

Command line usage:

 -t,--threadCount <arg>    Maximum number of parallel threads.
 -dbh, --dbHost <arg>      Hostname for the PostgreSQL database. Default: localhost
 -dbn, --dbName <arg>      Database name for the PostgreSQL database. Default: naps
 -dbp, --dbPass <arg>      Database password for the PostgreSQL database. Default: password
 -dbt, --dbPort <arg>      Port for the PostgreSQL database. Default: 5432
 -dbu, --dbUser <arg>      Database user name for the PostgreSQL database. Default: postgres
 -fn,  --fileName <arg>    Custom file name without the extension. Will be automatically generated if not defined.
 -fp,  --filePerPollutant  Create a separate file for each pollutant.
 -fs,  --filePerSite       Create a separate file for each site.
 -fy,  --filePerYear       Create a separate file for each year.
 -o,   --overwriteFiles    Replace existing files.
 -p,   --dataPath <arg>    Local path to save the exported data.
 -pn,  --pollutants <arg>  Comma-separated list of pollutant names.
 -sid, --sites <arg>       Comma-separated list of site IDs.
 -v,   --verbose           Make logging more verbose.
 -ye,  --yearEnd <arg>     End year (inclusive).
 -ys,  --yearStart <arg>   Start year (inclusive).

How To Run Individual Tools

You can find the latest package here. Alternatively, in the /target directory you can find the pre-compiled jar file naps_data.jar. This is a shaded jar file which means that it contains all of the 3rd party dependencies inside of it. Assuming you have Java 17 installed and part of your system path you can simply invoke the class by running the following:

 java -cp naps_data.jar -p C:\temp\NAPSData\RawFiles -t 24

In the above example, the data will be loaded from the C:\temp\NAPSData\RawFiles directory into the database using a thread pool size of 24, and all default database connection options (see above for details).


In order to analyse the data using tools such as the NAPSContinuousHeatMap or the NAPSContinuousDataQuery, you will need to know the correct names of the pollutants. The data from the NAPS portal contains many inconsistencies and I have taken the time to resolve them as I find them. For example, there is a mix of chemical symbols and names (Pb vs. Lead, Ti vs Titanium), inconsistent capitalization (AMMONIUM vs. Ammonium, a-Pinene vs. A-Pinene), inconsistent spacing (Chrysene&Triphenylene vs. Chrysene & Triphenylene, Freon114 vs. Freon 114) and the inconsistent naming of PM 2.5 (PM25 vs. PM2.5).

The following table lists all of the compounds (pollutants) and how many data points are present in both the continuous data set and the integrated data set.

Table of Compounds

As of October 2024

Compound Continuous Data Points Integrated Data Points
CO 22,515,492
NO 38,711,270
NO2 41,663,301
NOX 30,910,885
O3 57,283,903
PM10 9,785,097
PM2.5 35,593,881 39120
SO2 37,398,018 5354
1-Bromopropane 1209
1-Butene/Isobutene 76502
1-Butyne 54678
1-Decene 31484
1-Heptene 30900
1-Hexene 56593
1-Hexene/2-Methyl-1-Pentene 15836
1-Me-Pyrene 6532
1-Methylcyclohexene 34763
1-Methylcyclopentene 34771
1-Methylpyrene 3357
1-Nonene 31173
1-Octene 32108
1-Pentene 77107
1-Propyne 48033
1-Undecene 23655
1,1-Dichloroethane 50692
1,1-Dichloroethylene 52542
1,1,1-Trichloroethane 75177
1,1,2-Trichloroethane 69481
1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 52405
1,2-Dichlorobenzene 52550
1,2-Dichloroethane 70470
1,2-Dichloropropane 52561
1,2-Diethylbenzene 39184
1,2,3-Trimethylbenzene 76829
1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 52097
1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 77070
1,3-Butadiene 77121
1,3-Dichlorobenzene 52576
1,3-Diethylbenzene 76850
1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 77072
1,4-Dichlorobenzene 77075
1,4-Dichlorobutane 37265
1,4-Diethylbenzene 75956
1234678-H7CDD 3076
1234678-H7CDF 3076
123478-H6CDD 3076
123478-H6CDF 3076
1234789-H7CDF 3076
123678-H6CDD 3076
123678-H6CDF 3076
12378-P5CDD 3076
12378-P5CDF 3076
123789-H6CDD 3076
123789-H6CDF 3076
13C12-H6CDD 3076
13C12-H6CDF 3049
13C12-H7CDD 3076
13C12-H7CDF 3049
13C12-OCDD 3076
13C12-P5CDD 3076
13C12-P5CDF 3049
13C12-TCDD 3076
13C12-TCDF 3076
13C6-HCB 1609
13C6-PCP 1602
2-Ethyl-1-Butene 21807
2-Ethyltoluene 77108
2-Me-Fluorene 6534
2-Methyl-1-butene 73846
2-Methyl-1-Pentene 5574
2-Methyl-2-butene 73822
2-methyl-2-Pentene 993
2-Methylfluorene 3355
2-Methylheptane 77014
2-Methylhexane 77075
2-Methylpentane 76936
2-Pentanone 864
2-Pentanone/Isovaleraldehyde 7091
2,2-Dimethylbutane 76968
2,2-Dimethylhexane 46134
2,2-Dimethylpentane 59357
2,2-Dimethylpropane 54681
2,2,3-Trimethylbutane 35097
2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 77106
2,2,5-Trimethylhexane 58259
2,3-Dimethylbutane 77118
2,3-Dimethylpentane 77110
2,3,4-Trimethylpentane 77114
2,4-Dimethylhexane 77088
2,4-Dimethylpentane 77110
2,5-Dimethylbenzaldehyde 7237
2,5-Dimethylheptane 1304
2,5-Dimethylhexane 77078
234678-H6CDF 3076
23478-P5CDF 3076
2378-TCDD 3076
2378-TCDF 3076
3-Ethyltoluene 77111
3-Me-Cholanthrene 6525
3-Methyl-1-Butene 37045
3-Methyl-1-pentene 54388
3-Methylcholanthrene 3357
3-Methylheptane 77062
3-Methylhexane 77113
3-Methyloctane 1281
3-Methylpentane 76733
3,6-Dimethyloctane 37365
4-Ethyltoluene 77109
4-Methyl-1-pentene 53818
4-Methylheptane 77079
4-Methyloctane 1294
7-Me-Benz(a)Anthracene 6527
7-Methylbenz(a)Anthracene 3357
A-Pinene 51592
Acenaphthene 9886
Acenaphthylene 9877
Acetaldehyde 13399
Acetate 34557
Acetone 13374
Acetylene 75905
Acrolein 9442
Aluminum 111612
Ammonia 30530
Ammonium 45360
Anthanthrene 9886
Anthracene 9869
Antimony 114301
Arabitol 12662
Arsenic 34532
B-Pinene 51096
Barium 140508
Benz(a)Anthracene 9888
Benzaldehyde 10294
Benzene 77064
Benzo(a)Fluorene 9889
Benzo(a)Pyrene 9861
Benzo(b)&(k)Fluoranthene 1981
Benzo(b)Chrysene 9891
Benzo(b)Fluoranthene 7965
Benzo(b)Fluorene 9886
Benzo(e)Pyrene 9890
Benzo(g,h,i)Fluoranthene 9889
Benzo(g,h,i)Perylene 9886
Benzo(k)Fluoranthene 7969
Benzylchloride 41318
Beryllium 29991
Bismuth 3138
Bromide 40544
Bromine 87462
Bromodichloromethane 38568
Bromoform 70330
Bromomethane 68617
Bromotrichloromethane 10550
Butane 77109
Butyraldehyde/Iso-Butyraldehyde 1790
Cadmium 119962
Calcium 119604
Camphene 51214
Carbontetrachloride 77085
Cerium 36931
Cesium 54465
Chloride 39433
Chlorobenzene 69924
Chloroethane 68614
Chloroform 76803
Chloromethane 75181
Chromium 119568
Chrysene 7965
Chrysene & Triphenylene 2000
cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 36928
cis-1,2-Dimethylcyclohexane 64142
cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 39194
cis-1,3-Dimethylcyclohexane 61191
cis-1,4/t-1,3-Dimethylcyclohexane 57679
cis-2-Butene 77119
cis-2-Heptene 35862
cis-2-Hexene 76758
cis-2-Octene 9755
cis-2-Pentene 77094
cis-3-Heptene 8941
cis-3-Methyl-2-Pentene 74116
cis-4-Methyl-2-pentene 65305
Cl- 29562
Cobalt 34532
Copper 40297
Crotonaldehyde 10294
Cyclohexane 77119
Cyclohexene 34678
Cyclopentane 76972
Cyclopentene 56770
D-Limonene 51242
Decane 77086
Dibenz(a,c)&(a,h)Anthracene 9819
Dibromochloromethane 39061
Dibromomethane 39198
Dodecane 75811
EC 5871
EC(A) 12298
EC(B) 6305
EC_R 11781
EC_T 11783
EC1 11783
EC1(A) 12298
EC1(B) 6305
EC2 11783
EC2(A) 12298
EC2(B) 6305
EC3 11783
EC3(A) 12298
EC3(B) 6305
EDB 38570
Ethane 76167
Ethylbenzene 77078
Ethylbromide 37371
Ethylene 74819
Fluoranthene 9891
Fluorene 9887
Fluoride 42340
Formaldehyde 13402
Formate 34559
Freon 11 76991
Freon 113 42474
Freon 114 70298
Freon 12 64825
Freon 22 76867
Galactosan 12663
Gallium 3138
H6CDD 3076
H6CDF 3076
H7CDD 3076
H7CDF 3076
HCB 1566
Heptane 77020
Hexachlorobutadiene 52067
Hexanal 10291
Hexane 76090
Hexylbenzene 35788
Indane 76685
Indeno(1,2,3-cd)Fluoranthene 5899
Indeno(1,2,3-cd)Pyrene 9877
Iron 119582
iso-Butylbenzene 54583
iso-Propylbenzene 77093
Isobutane 77086
Isopentane 77015
Isoprene 76826
Isovaleraldehyde 2654
Lanthanum 11662
Lead 121968
Levoglucosan 12662
Lithium 42260
m-Tolualdehyde 9080
m and p-Xylene 77086
Magnesium 42385
Manganese 126621
Mannitol 11798
Mannosan 12662
MEK 12501
MEK/Butyraidehyde 864
Methylcyclohexane 77097
Methylcyclopentane 77119
MIBK 10234
Molybdenum 34532
MSA 34567
MTBE 34606
n-Butylbenzene 61104
n-Propylbenzene 77108
N_NO3 5986
Na+ 29470
Naphthalene 71450
NH4+ 29562
Nickel 120129
Nitrate 63095
Nitric Acid 17728
Nitrite 58221
Nitrous Acid 12318
NO3 39241
Nonane 76954
o-Tolualdehyde 7290
o-Xylene 77082
OC 5871
OC(A) 12298
OC(B) 12298
OC(corr) 12297
OC_R 11783
OC_RA 5872
OC_RB 5871
OC_T 11783
OC1 11783
OC1(A) 12298
OC1(B) 12298
OC2 11783
OC2(A) 12298
OC2(B) 12298
OC3 11783
OC3(A) 12298
OC3(B) 12298
OC4 11783
OC4(A) 12298
OC4(B) 12298
OCDD 3076
OCDF 3075
OCS 1614
Octane 77112
Oxalate 42383
p-Cymene 76878
p-Tolualdehyde 9080
P5CDD 3076
P5CDF 3076
PCB-105 302
PCB-114 302
PCB-118 302
PCB-123 302
PCB-126 302
PCB-156 302
PCB-157 302
PCB-167 302
PCB-169 302
PCB-189 302
PCB-77 302
PCB-81 302
PCP 1598
Pentane 77097
Perylene 9877
Phenanthrene 9889
Phosphate 39032
PM2.5-10 14424
POC(A) 12298
POC(B) 6305
POC_R 11783
POC_T 11783
Potassium 119604
Propane 77034
Propionaldehyde 13399
Propionate 34567
Propylene 77061
Pyrene 9891
Retene 6779
Rubidium 82705
sec-Butylbenzene 54663
Selenium 119549
Silicon 85595
Silver 34470
SO4 39246
Sodium 33456
Strontium 140551
Styrene 74513
Sulfur 47350
Sulphate 50837
Sulphur 38250
Sulphur Dioxide 24502
T_NO3 5993
TC 11783
TC(A) 12298
TC(B) 6305
TC(corr) 12297
TCDD 3076
TCDF 3076
TEQ 3076
tert-Butylbenzene 37364
Tetrachloroethylene 70497
Thallium 29991
Tin 114287
Titanium 111408
Toluene 77097
trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene 39208
trans-1,2-Dimethylcyclohexane 54626
trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 39022
trans-1,4-Dimethylcyclohexane 56374
trans-2-Butene 77114
trans-2-Heptene 36398
trans-2-Hexene 76863
trans-2-Octene 44719
trans-2-Pentene 77090
trans-3-Heptene 34355
trans-3-Methyl-2-Pentene 74810
trans-4-Methyl-2-Pentene 45767
Trichloroethylene 76930
Triphenylene 7965
Tungsten 3138
Undecane 77077
Uranium 20905
Valeraldehyde 10292
Vanadium 120111
Vinylchloride 70498
Zinc 120132

Database Design

I am using a normalized relational PostgreSQL database to store the data. I have chosen to hold the continuous data and the integrated data in separate tables to improve performance. I don't think there is a frequent need to query the data in both tables at the same time. The following diagram illustrates the schema design.

schema diagram

Known Issues

This repository makes use of GitHub's built-in issue tracker. You can view all open issues here. Most of the issues are problems with the data files that are distributed from the NAPS website.

Developer Notes

  • Requires Java 21 or later.
  • Tested with PostgreSQL 16.3. The database should be created with the UTF-8 characterset in order to support accented characters.
  • If you want to build the jar from the source code you will need Apache Maven.
  • Other than the sample reports, everything in this toolbox should be multi-platform (supporting Windows, Linux, MacOS, etc.) and multi-architecture (supporting x86 and ARM). However, I am only one person and I have only developed and tested the code on Windows 11 x64.
  • The NAPS data is parsed from the Excel files downloaded from the website. There are 3 different Excel formats used: XLSX (Excel 2007 and later), XLS (BIFF8, Excel 5 - 1993 and later), and XLS (BIFF4, Excel 4 - 1992). For parsing XLSX, I'm using the Apache POI library. For parsing XLS BIFF8, I'm using JXL - the Java Excel API. For parsing XLS BIFF4, I could not find a Java library that supports it, so I built my own parser adapted from the Apache POI library's OldExcelExtractor.
  • The rendering of heat maps is entirely written from scratch by myself. I have spun the code out to its own GitHub project. Check it out if you want to add beautiful, customizable heat maps to you own Java project.

Legal Stuff

Copyright (c) 2024 David Fortin

This software (NAPS Data Analysis Toolbox) is provided by David Fortin under the MIT License, meaning you are free to use it however you want, as long as you include the original copyright notice (above) and license notice in any copy you make. You just can't hold me liable in case something goes wrong. License details can be read here

The data itself is provided by the National Air Pollution Surveillance (NAPS) program, which is run by the Analysis and Air Quality Section of Environment and Climate Change Canada. The data is licensed under the terms of the Canadian Open Government Licence and can be freely re-published under those terms.