Simple to use NPC interaction / dialogue system to take a user's input. NPC spawning is optimised and handled by PolyZones.
There are two ways to access data from an NPC interaction as follows:
With Callback:
exports['mojito_dialogue']:NewDialogueCallback(`a_m_y_skater_02`, vec3(-727.74, -143.54, 36.36), 20.0, {
title = "Would you like to start a mission",
items = {
{text = "Yes", value="yes"},
{text = "No", value="no"}
}, function(selection)
if selection == "yes" then
QBCore.Functions.Notify("You picked yes", "success")
QBCore.Functions.Notify("You picked no", "error")
The result is returned as a callback function with argument 0 being the selection value in string form.
With Event:
exports['mojito_dialogue']:NewDialogueEvent(`a_m_y_skater_02`, vec3(-727.74, -143.54, 36.36), 20.0, {
title = "Would you like to start a mission",
items = {
{text = "Yes", value="yes"},
{text = "No", value="no"}
}, "myscript:client:onInteract")
AddEventHandler("myscript:client:onInteract", function(selection)
print(selection) -- "yes" or "no"
The result is returned as the first argument to the specified client event