Simple framework implements a design pattern MVC, based SILEX (PHP micro-framework, created by Symfony2 components). I have taken some ideas from the project GitHub (silex-enhanced). The documentation can be found on the SILEX Online. Examples of installation of the framework given for OS "Windows" and web server Nginx.
Main features of the application:
- application implements a simple application management blog.
- expands with configuration files located in the
. - it works as a web or as a console application.
- console application can perform various tasks (e.g. Creation of a database
). - as an example, the work of the console application implemented to work with the service UBKI.
- realized the localization of two languages: English and Russian.
- ensures the registration process, user authentication and authorization.
- the database created two users with the appropriate rights. The Administrator (login = admin; pass = foo), User (login = user; pass = foo).
- uses a database type SqlLite
. - work with databases provided by Doctrine(DBAL, ORM)
and PHP ActiveRecordlibrary/AR
. - realized the possibility output the pages using the library Pagerfanta
. - used template Twig
. - library of SwiftMailer is used for email
. - added services such as Zend-Filter, Zend-Json and others
. - added services for working with arrays, strings, XML, HTTP, Markdown
. - on the client side using the library: jQuery, Bootstrap 3, RequireJS, Backbone, Vue
. - client-side services are used: Datepicker, FormValidation, MaskInput, Highlight
. ToDo
implemented application (for the local or server storage) to show the work of the framework Backbone.jspublic/js/app/bb-todo
implemented application (for the local storage) to show the work of the framework Vue.jspublic/js/app/vue-todo
- Clone silex-mvc project with git.
- Run
composer install
. - To create a database run the batch file from the console
pre-editing the path tophp.exe
; - Configure the web server so that the entry point was
. - Set, if necessary, the appropriate permissions to write to
. - Access your project url with web browser.
Values for config parameters substitution. On application code parameters are
accessible through Silex\Application
instance $app['config']['parameters']
General configuration is used as a Web application and a Сonsole application. Put your service
providers under service_providers
class: Silex\Provider\SwiftmailerServiceProvider
port: %mail.port%
username: %mail.username%
password: %mail.password%
encryption: %mail.encryption%
auth_mode: %mail.auth_mode%
The console and web bootstrap config respectively. If you use imports
the config will be merged recursively allows partial specific configs.
The security firewalls and access control config. All information about it's available here.
It is often helpful to have different configuration values based on the environment the application is running in. For example, you may wish to use a different cache driver locally than you do on your production server.
For this task you can create a file env.yml
with specific
settings and place it in the root of your application. The file env.yml
will replace
the values of existing file parameters.yml