Red Hat
kcp-dev / kubernetes
Forked from kubernetes/kubernetesThis repository is Kubernetes plus minimal modifications to add logical clusters. Rebased regularly.
A sidecar app which clones a git repo and keeps it in sync with the upstream.
Kube-native API for cloud development workspaces specification
[Deprecated] The Service Binding Operator: Connecting Applications with Services, in Kubernetes
Java toolkit that allows you to write coroutines.
Examples of how to do query, style, dom, ajax, event etc like jQuery with plain javascript.
Specks enables a different way to check that your Ceylon code works
[on-hold] A fully-featured command-line option parser for Ceylon.
Eclipse Theia is a cloud & desktop IDE framework implemented in TypeScript.
A port of the commonmark.js Markdown parser and renderer to Ceylon
Experimenting with using Spring Boot from Ceylon
Service responsible for provisioning and updating the tenant scoped services
Visual Studo Code Language Support for Ceylon
davidfestal / rh-che
Forked from redhat-developer/rh-cheRed Hat Che distribution repository