This tool is no longer supported starting from iOS 15. But you still can use it on lower versions for experimental purposes :)
This application builds a memory graph of the app on which it is running on. The final graph represents relations between the various type of objects.
- The current version does not support macOS apps and pure swift objects
- Actual for iOS SDK 14.4 and lower and it is not guaranteed that the further SDK releases won't affect the application's stability
- NSMallocBlocks objects are not represented in the graph
Some of the approaches were taken from but not limited to these sources:
- FLEX - a set of in-app debugging and exploration tools for iOS development
- Heap Find - Apple's (C++) open-source heap find implementation
- Valid Objective-C object an explanation of how to verify arbitrary pointers are valid Objective-C objects
- Meta-class in Objective-C Classes under the hood
- Non-pointer isa an explanation of changes to the isa field on iOS for arm64
- macOS Internals the book that dissects the internals of the macOS systems