This is a WIP implementation of the embedded-hal traits for the CH32V0 family of microcontrollers.
- CH32V003: Currently only chip in the family
- PWR: Power control
- RCC: Reset and Clock Control
- IWDG: Independent Watchdog
- WWDG: Window Watchdog
- FPIC: Programmable Fast Interrupt Controller
- GPIO: General Purpose Input/Output
- AFIO: Alternate Function Input/Output
- DMA: Direct Memory Access control
- ADC: Analog to Digital Converter
- ADTM: Advanced control Timer (TIM1)
- GPTM: General Purpose Timer (TIM2)
- USART: Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
- I2C: Inter-intergrated Circuit interface
- SPI: Serial Peripheral Interface
- ESIG: Electronic Signature
- FLASH: Flash memory and user option bytes
- EXTEND: Extended configuration
- DBG: Debug support
As of 1.70, Rust does not support the RV32EC instruction of the QingKe RISC-V2A core. There is a prototype fork of the Rust compiler available at Please note the branch "rv32e". For more details, please read the article