Its a Android app with a unique idea where tourist can hire guide as per their need. TravelBuddy is an Android app which is intended to make the traveling easy, with features like providing various locations in India with their accomplished description, How to reach a defined location, Attractive places to visit and main motivation of the app is to provide a Personal Guide hiring facility which increases employment. Intended Users of this application are Admin, registered guides and our customers.
Explaining complete flow of Guide Application:
Here the user who wants to work for TravelBuddy as Guide, registers to this Guide Application. After completing registration process, Guide need complete its profile which includes details like current city, experience, small description about himself and languages known to him etc. After this guide needs to add plans to his profile, which will be visible to user. A plan is package available to tourist which includes details like plan name, price, duration to complete plan and list of places covered in a particular plan by this user can selects plan as per his/her needs. A guide has facility to Add a new plan, update a existing plan or delete a existing plan. Also guide can change his/her availability status for this app to which it is reflected to user's app in realtime. In this app the guide receives notifications if he/she is hired.
This app has following functionalities:
- Login and Signup
- Update profile( updating personal info such as languages known to guide, small descrition about himself etc)
- Change Availabilty of Guide.
- Account Management
- Plan Management ( Adding new plan, display , update or delete plan to guide's account)
- Receiving notification about his/her hiring.
Check out the Guide Appliction associated to TravelBuddy: