This is @bcrypt's janky twitter replacement.
- fork
- in your fork:
git reset --hard d10b092
git push -f origin main
- to post:
git commit -m "your post" --allow-empty
git push
- to follow someone:
git remote add <git name> <their fork of diracdelta's repo>
git fetch <git name>
to follow everybody using GitHub:
to repeat someone else's utterance:
git cherry-pick -x <their commit hash>
to refresh your timeline and view it:
git fetch --all && git rev-list --all --remotes --pretty | less
- some alternative ways to view your timeline (use
git show <commit hash>
to show the full "tweet"):
git log --format="format:%Cred%cd %Cblue%h %Cgreen%cn%Creset: %s" --all --date=iso-local
git log --graph --all --decorate --oneline
- to get verified (GitHub-only):
- follow github's own verification instructions and make your commit email match your GPG key email
git commit -S -m "your post" --allow-empty
from now on
- to encrypt a message:
see encrypt using the public key of a github user
in or
use your favorite key distribution mechanism to get their public key.
make post $"Your sage wisdom"
make refresh
make timeline
make timeline-short
make timeline-graph