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Joel Natividad edited this page Mar 16, 2025 · 45 revisions

stats Command Output Explanation

The qsv stats command computes summary statistics and infers data types for each column in a CSV file. Here's a detailed explanation of the output:

Basic Information

  • field: The name of the column (or its index if --no-headers is used).

  • type: Inferred data type (NULL, Integer, String, Float, Date, DateTime, or Boolean).

    • data type inferences are GUARANTEED as stats scans the entire file.

    • Date and DateTime are only inferred when --infer-dates is enabled. It can infer 19 date formats.
      As date parsing is relatively expensive, it will only attempt date inferencing for columns that are in the
      --dates-whitelist - a list of comma-separated, case-insensitive patterns to look for when shortlisting fields for date inferencing. [default: date,time,due,open,close,created]
      Given the default list above, columns named "start_date", "Observation Time", "timestamp" "Date Closed" will trigger date inferencing.
      Columns named "start_dt", "create_dt", "tmstmp", and "close_dt" will not.

    • Booleans are only inferred when --infer-boolean is enabled. The heuristic for inferring booleans is as follows:

      When a column's cardinality is 2, and the 2 values' are in the --boolean-patterns list case-insensitive, the data type is inferred as boolean.

      Boolean patterns is a comma-separated list of boolean pattern pairs in the format "true_pattern:false_pattern". Each pattern can be a string of any length. The patterns are case-insensitive. If a pattern ends with a "*", it is treated as a prefix. For example, "t*:f*,y*:n*" will match "true", "truthy", "Truth" as boolean true values so long as the corresponding false pattern (e.g. False, f, etc.)cis also matched and cardinality is 2. Ignored if --infer-boolean is false.
      [default: 1:0,t*:f*,y*:n*]

  • is_ascii: Whether the column contains only ASCII characters (true/false).

"Streaming" Statistics

Uses constant memory for arbitrarily large CSV files.

  • sum: The total sum of all numeric values in the column.
    For Integers, returns *OVERFLOW*/*UNDERFLOW* when the sum is greater than/lesser than i64::MAX/i64::MIN.
    For Floats, it returns NaN as the string "NaN", positive infinity as "inf", and negative infinity as "-inf".
  • min: The minimum value in the column.
  • max: The maximum value in the column.
  • range: The difference between the maximum and minimum values.
  • sort_order: The sorting order of the column (ASCENDING, DESCENDING, or UNSORTED).
  • sortiness: Returns a score between -1.0 and 1.0:
    • 1.0 indicates perfectly ascending order
    • -1.0 indicates perfectly descending order
    • Values in between indicate the general tendency towards ascending or descending order
    • 0.0 indicates either no clear ordering or empty/single-element collections

NOTE: Length statistics are only computed for columns with a String data type.
Lengths are byte not char lengths, as some UTF-8 characters take more than one byte.

  • min_length: The length of the shortest value in the column.
  • max_length: The length of the longest value in the column.
  • sum_length: The total sum of the lengths of the column. Returns *OVERFLOW* when the sum is greater than u64::MAX
  • avg_length: The average length of the column. Returns *OVERFLOW* when sum_length overflows.
  • stddev_length: Standard deviation of the length.
  • variance_length: Variance of the length.
  • cv_length: Coefficient of Variation, length.
  • mean: The average value of the column.
  • sem: Standard Error of the Mean, a measure of the precision of the sample mean.
  • geometric_mean: is a type of average that finds the central value by multiplying numbers together and then taking the root, making it useful for comparing things like growth rates or percentages. Only valid for positive numbers. Returns zero if there's a zero in the sample.
  • harmonic_mean: is a type of average that gives more weight to smaller values, making it ideal for situations like calculating average rates or speeds. Only valid for positive numbers.
  • stddev: Standard deviation, a measure of variability in the data.
  • variance: The average of the squared differences from the mean.
  • cv: Coefficient of Variation, the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean.
  • nullcount: The number of null or empty values in the column.
  • max_precision: The maximum number of decimal places in numeric values.
  • sparsity: The proportion of null or empty values in the column.

Advanced Statistics

Require require more memory - proportional to the cardinality of each column, and must be explicitly enabled.

  • median: The middle value when the data is sorted (requires --median or --everything)
    When --quartiles is specified, this is not returned as its the same as "q2_median".
  • mad: Median Absolute Deviation, a robust measure of variability (requires --mad or --everything).  

Quartile Statistics (requires --quartiles or --everything).

  • lower_outer_fence: Q1 - 3 * IQR, used to identify extreme outliers.
  • lower_inner_fence: Q1 - 1.5 * IQR, used to identify mild outliers.
  • q1: First quartile (25th percentile).
  • q2_median: Second quartile (50th percentile, same as median).
  • q3: Third quartile (75th percentile).
  • iqr: Interquartile Range, the difference between Q3 and Q1.
  • upper_inner_fence: Q3 + 1.5 * IQR, used to identify mild outliers.
  • upper_outer_fence: Q3 + 3 * IQR, used to identify extreme outliers.
  • skewness: A measure of the asymmetry of the probability distribution.
  • cardinality: The number of unique values in the column (requires --cardinality or --everything).
  • uniqueness_ratio: cardinality/row_count
    • 1 -> All unique values
    • Close to 1.0 -> The column has mostly unique values (e.g., primary keys, user IDs).
    • Close to 0.0 -> The column has many repeated values (e.g., categorical labels like “Male/Female” or “Yes/No”).  

Mode(s)/Antimode(s) Statistics (requires --mode or --everything).

  • mode: The most frequent value(s) in the column.
    If there are multiple modes, they are separated by | (configurable with the env var QSV_MODES_SEPARATOR).
  • mode_count: The number of modes.
  • mode_occurrences: The number of times the mode(s) appear.
  • antimode: The least frequent non-zero/non-null value(s) in the column.
    If there are multiple "antimodes", they are also separated by |. If all the values are unique, it will display *ALL; if there are more than 100 characters (configurable via QSV_ANTIMODES_LEN), it will have a *PREVIEW: prefix.
  • antimode_count: The number of antimodes.
  • antimode_occurrences: The number of times the antimode(s) appear.

Dataset statistics:

  • qsv__rowcount: Number of rows
  • qsv__columncount: Number of columns
  • qsv__filesize_bytes: Filesize (bytes)
  • qsv__fingerprint_hash: the SHA-256 hash of the first 26 "streaming" statistics that are always present, along with qsv__rowcount, qsv__columncount and qsv__filesize_bytes. This allows the user to quickly detect duplicate files without having to load the entire file to compute the hash.
    Especially useful for detecting duplicates of very large files.

Date and Time Statistics

When --infer-dates is enabled, several statistics are computed as follows:

  • Date range, standard deviation, variance, MAD, and IQR are returned in days.
  • DateTime results are in RFC3339 datetime format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS±HH:MM) - e.g. 2022-01-01T00:16:00+00:00
  • Date results are in RFC3339 date format (YYYY-MM-DD) in the UTC timezone.

Whitespace Markers

The --vis-whitespace option visualizes the following whitespace characters.
Note that spaces will only be visualized (using "《_》") if the entire value is composed of spaces.

// Add constant for whitespace visualization
// the whitespace markers as as defined in
const WHITESPACE_MARKERS: &[(char, &str)] = &[
    // common whitespace markers other than space
    ('\t', "《→》"), // tab
    ('\n', "《¶》"), // newline
    ('\r', "《⏎》"), // carriage return
    // more obscure whitespace markers
    ('\u{000B}', "《⋮》"), // vertical tab
    ('\u{000C}', "《␌》"), // form feed
    ('\u{0009}', "《↹》"), // horizontal tab
    ('\u{0085}', "《␤》"), // next line
    ('\u{200E}', "《␎》"), // left-to-right mark
    ('\u{200F}', "《␏》"), // right-to-left mark
    ('\u{2028}', "《␊》"), // line separator
    ('\u{2029}', "《␍》"), // paragraph separator
    // additional common whitespace markers beyond
    ('\u{00A0}', "《⍽》"),     // non-breaking space
    ('\u{2003}', "《emsp》"),  // em space
    ('\u{2007}', "《figsp》"), // figure space
    ('\u{200B}', "《zwsp》"),  // zero width space


  • The default "streaming" statistics (sum, min/max/range, sort order/sortiness, min/max/sum/avg/stddev/variance/cv length, mean, sem, geometric_mean, harmonic_mean, stddev, variance, cv, nullcount, max_precision, sparsity) works with constant memory and can be computed efficiently on arbitrarily large CSV files.
  • Advanced statistics require require more memory - proportional to the cardinality of each column, and must be explicitly enabled.
  • The command supports various caching options to improve performance on subsequent runs.
    See --stats-jsonl and --cache-threshold options.
  • The stats command is central to qsv and underpins other "smart" commands like frequency, pivotp, schema, validate, and tojsonl that uses the statistical info to work smarter and faster.

For more detailed information on specific options and usage, refer to the qsv stats --help output.