Llunatic is a general purpose chase-engine that can be used both for data-repairing and data-exchange applications. Notable features of the system are:
It has been designed to guarantee very good scalability on large databases, up to millions of tuples.
It can be used to handle a wide variety of data-cleaning constraints, including functional dependencies, conditional functional dependencies, editing rules, fixing rules, denial constraints.
It supports user interactions in order to interactively complete the data-repairing process.
It fully supports both source-to-target and target tgds, and provides a new semantics to handle mappings and data repairing in a unified fashion.
It implements a fast, parallel chase algorithm, and has support for highly expressive mappings, like DEDs.
Additional material about the project can be found at the following address: http://www.db.unibas.it/projects/llunatic/
The code is distributed according to the terms of the GPLv3 license (see file LICENSE.txt)
- In NetBeans, File -> Open projects... and select the project folder
- Execute ant target task
, either using command-lineant gfp
, or using NetBeans (in the projects windows, right click on build.xml -> Run Target -> Other Targets -> gfp)