React Workshop is a collection of examples and exercises that is meant as a support for the React Workshop 2019, held in Brasov in 12-13 april
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
To install and run these examples you will need the following:
- git
- NodeJS 10.15+
- npm 6.9.0+
Clone the repository
git clone
Run npm install
cd workshop-react-2019 && npm install
Start the project
npm start
The start command will run Webpack Dev Server on port 3031 and the project will be accessible via http://localhost:3031 On accessing the project, a "Hello World!" message should be displayed.
- basics
- components
- state
- lifecycle
- hooks
- containers
- forms
- render-props
- context
- error-boundries
- compound-components
- hoc
- lazy-loading
- state-reducer
- jest