A demo weather app using RxJava2, AndroidX, Kodein, MVVM and OpenWeatherMap api
- search weather for location
- show weather information (temperature, humindity, visibility)
- show search histories
- auto refresh latest search history when app moves from background to foreground.
- Retrofit (annotation-based networking framework, and support Observable)
- OkHttp3 (core of Retrofit)
- Gson (json <-> string interpolation)
- Kodein (easy config and use)
- RxJava2
- RxKotlin
- AndroidX (decouple dependency from android support library)
- RxBinding (view binding to support Rx)
- recyclerview
- constraintlayout
- floatingsearchview
- anko (handy syntactic-sugar for frequently used views, like, toast, dialog, runOnUiThread)
- MVVM (pure Rx, not android LiveData)