The first stage goal is to support the native token RING/KTON transfer from Darwinia Network to Crab DVM.
- Test network support s2s bridge, we already have Pangolin network, need another chain called Pangoro
- Pangolin test for Crab (have EVM environment)
- Pangoro test for Darwinia (have no EVM environment) Add Pangoro Runtime darwinia-common#773 @AurevoirXavier @wi1dcard
- Bridger
- New bridge support s2s(new types update) @fewensa Bridge pangolin-pangoro bridger#255
- Common files in parity bridge crate migration. Common crate for substrate-relay paritytech/parity-bridges-common#1082 @fewensa
- decrease relayer's gas used. Always run on-demand headers relay in complex relay paritytech/parity-bridges-common#975 (test and check if solved @xiaoch05 )
- can relayer is not sudo account? @fewensa darwinia-network/bridger@67cd512
- check if need to upgrade parity-bridge-common pkg @xiaoch05
- Wormhole
- list s2s requirements. @xiaoch05
- subquery listen and record s2s event in pallets @sxlwar
- theGraph listen and record s2s event in contract @xiaoch05 @freehere107
- the mapped asset's name @hackfisher @xiaoch05
- UI @sxlwar
- The standard of message protol
- Currently we do nothing for this. Waiting for XCM and parity bridge message unify
- security
- the panic bug Remember to Initialize Relayer for S2S #703 need to submit a change request to parity-bridge @AurevoirXavier @xiaoch05
- limit daily transfer amount and confirm deliver message @xiaoch05
- code review @darwinia-network
- more test @darwinia-network
- Folder structure and rename Backing and Issuing renaming darwinia-common#627 @AurevoirXavier
- Fee system, currently we use parity-bridge-common's fee feature. Later change it to ourselves.
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