Filed on behalf of an internal customer.
dart:io provides a mechanism to swap the implementation of HTTP used by all components in a program with HttpOverrides mechanism.
Real world dart programs resort to this mechanism in several situations:
- Fake internet data in tests.
- Route HTTP requests through higher level services on platforms with limited networking t
- Enforce program-wide policies.
Trying to implement HttpClient from scratch is pretty tricky:
- HttpClient has 14 methods, 2 for each HTTP verb. Each of which usually has a one line implementation routing to open(), but this repesents 100 lines of boilerplate in each HttpClient implementation.
- HttpClientResponse implements Stream<List>. Stream interface is tricky to implement from scratch, yet (as far as I remember) we can't usefully extend Stream.
- HttpHeaders is a class wrapping a simple Map<String, List>, which doesn't bear any dependency on the exact implementation of HTTP, yet needs to be implemented from scratch every time.
- All of the above makes users' HttpClient implementation tightly couple to the upstream dart:io interface and make the changes to it burdensome: [Breaking Change Request] HttpHeaders allows cased header fields #39657
dart:io should provide some kind of BaseHttpClient implementing HttpClient and allowing users to implement only the transport mechanism. This could be similar to package:http.BaseClient.