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Please, clarify WebSocket description #30795



Current description for class dart:io:WebSocket is quite short.
Please, specify the following:

  • The WebSockets specification and version (probably some draft) which is implemented by dart:io:WebSocket class. This is important for heterogeneous communications. The other side (which might be not Dart) should know what expect.
  • Which protocols and extensions are supported?
  • Whether messages (especially List<int>) are transfered without splitting or joining with another messages
  • The WebSocket life cycle, like readyState (?) is CONNECTING after call to connect, OPEN after future returned by connect completes, etc. (BTW CONNECTING seems to be redundant in this case).
  • How the readyState of paired instance is affected, when WebSocket is closed or closing
  • If done event is received on WebSocket (which implements Stream) is it necessary to close the WebSocket explicitly?
  • Will peer instance receive done event after call to close?
  • WebSocket implements StreamSink, however only String and List<int> are allowed as events, which formally violates contract of StreamSink. What will happen if events other than String and List<int> are supplied to method add? Why it is not possible to send events of some simple types like int, bool, Map, etc?



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