Make DOM is a library which will allow you to create DOM Programmatically.
Have you written code like this
myElem.innerHTML = `<div class='card'> ${title} </div>
and Source Code Analysis Tools for e.g. checkmarks are reporting as possible XSS attack the tool is right but then how to fix it here comes the mkDOM lib with a fluent API to help you
const div = mkDOM('div' , {
"class": 'card'
But now your code is safe and SCAT tools are happy with it. :-)
const container = mkDOM('div' , {
'id' : 'container',
"class": 'container'
container.content("Hello world")
.attr('data-id' , "container")
mkDOM('ul' , {'class' : 'menu'}).appendArray(
[1 , 2 , 3, 4 ,5] , function(i) {
return mkDOM('li' , {'class' : 'menuItem'})
.css('border' , '1px dashed green')
.css('text-align' , 'center')
.on('mouseenter' , function(){ = 'gray';
.on('mouseout' , function(){ = ''
mkDOM('button' , {
'type' : 'submit'
.on('click' , "SayHi()")
mkDOM('button' , {
'type' : 'submit'
}).content('reset with inline function')
.on('click' , function(e) {
const elem = mkDOM('div')
// Output
construct advanced
const elem = mkDOM('div', {
'class' : 'app'
// Output
//<div class='app'></div>
const elem = mkDOM('div', {
'class' : 'app'
mkDOM('span').content('hello world')
// Output
//<div class='app'>
<span> Hello world </span>
.data (setter and getter)
const elem = mkDOM('div').data('id' , 'test')
const id ='id')
//<div data-id='test></div>
.content (setter, getter)
const elem = mkDOM('div').content('hello world')
const content = elem.content();
//<div>Hello world</div>
.css (setter , getter)
const elem = mkDOM('div').css('border' , '1px solid black')
const css= elem.css('broder');
//<div style='border:1px solid black'></div>
.attr (setter , getter)
const elem = mkDOM('div').attr('rel' , 'container')
const attr= elem.attr('rel');
//<div rel='container'></div>
.on(event , callback)
const elem = mkDOM('div'),content('click me').on('click' , (e) => {
const attr= elem.attr('rel');
//<div>click me</div>
.appendArray(arr, callback)
mkDOM('ul' , {'class' : 'menu'}).appendArray(
[1 , 2 , 3, 4 ,5] , function(i) {
return mkDOM('li' , {'class' : 'menuItem'})