AngularJS module syntax generated from code annotations on comments. Yep, crazy stuff.
There's a post where I discuss why it may be a good idea.
See this sample file with all the supported annotations
This module will walk over the syntax tree and look for comments that have some special annotation tags and transform this tags into AngularJS module calls.
So if you have the code below:
* @module foo
* @controller MyController
function ThisIsAController($scope) {
// ...
* @module foo
* @directive
function myDirective($compile) {
// ...
You will run the JS script through this library and it will inject the AngularJS module syntax as follows:
function ThisIsAController($scope) {}
angular.module('foo').controller('MyController', ThisIsAController);
ThisIsAController.$inject = ['$scope'];
function myDirective($compile) {}
angular.module('foo').directive('myDirective', myDirective);
myDirective.$inject = ['$compile'];
var annotations = require('angular-di-annotations').Runner;
var code = annotations.runOnString(code);
var annotations = require('angular-di-annotations').Runner;
var code = annotations.runOnFile('/path/to/file.js');
var stream = require('angular-di-annotations').Stream;
var fs = require('fs');
var gulp = require('gulp'),
annotations = require('angular-di-annotations').Stream;
gulp.task('annotate', function() {
cat input.js | ngannotations
ngannotations -i input.js > output.js
ngannotations -i input.js -o output.js
You can change the syntax generated on this module modifying tree constants before running it. These are their default values:
RUNNABLE: "%module%.%type%(%value%);",
INJECTABLE: "%module%.%type%('%name%', %value%);",
MODULE: "angular.module('%name%')"
You could use, for example, a syntax that binds to a global variable that points to your module:
// source file
* @controller
function FooController() {}
var annotations = require('angular-di-annotations'),
runner = annotations.Runner,
constants = annotations.constants;
constants.MODULE = 'myModule';
var generatedCode = runner.runOnString(source);
This way the final code will look like this:
function FooController() {}
myModule.controller('FooController', FooController);