Imagine your network is down but you need that program.
Now imagine a tedious conversation of someone having to read out that listing over the phone.
And the connection isn't so good, so the second one keeps mishearing things so the first one has to repeat things.
If only there was a program to generate such a tedious conversation.
Well, now there is!
- The next line begins with four spaces.
- Er, did you just say ore?
- No, it was four.
- Can you repeat that?
- It was: The next line begins with four spaces.
- You what?
- The next line begins with four spaces.
- Hang on, was that paramore?
- Nope, I said four.
- Yup.
- double quote passionate quote
- what kind of quote?
- a double quote, comma all in caps and then a new line.
- Uh, what?
Here's the source code for my other NaNoGenMo entry phoned in; 50,042 words according to wc -w
Here's the program itself put through itself; 37,989 words:
Source code: