A pandemic. The deepest global recession since the Second World War. Governmental mismanagement and some of the largest protests in history. 2020 shaped up to be a record breaking year. Let's see how we have shaped up against COVID-19 a year later!
- Visualize COVID-19 [Global Maps, Density Plots and Individual Continents]
- Adapt the SIR Model, Diffusion Reaction and Polynomial Regression
- Find the R0
- Create a variable model for the new Confirmed, Recovered and Deaths
- Impulse-Response Function
- Forecast / Predict the futhur spread of the pandemic across Africa
We will use the following two csv files from the datasets above:
1. geofile = './datasets/covid_19_clean_complete.csv'
Data columns (total 10 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 Province/State 14664 non-null object
1 Country/Region 49068 non-null object
2 Lat 49068 non-null float64
3 Long 49068 non-null float64
4 Date 49068 non-null object
5 Confirmed 49068 non-null int64
6 Deaths 49068 non-null int64
7 Recovered 49068 non-null int64
8 Active 49068 non-null int64
9 WHO Region 49068 non-null object
2. covidfile = './datasets/covid_19_data.csv'
Data columns (total 8 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 SNo 172480 non-null int64
1 ObservationDate 172480 non-null object
2 Province/State 124597 non-null object
3 Country/Region 172480 non-null object
4 Last Update 172480 non-null object
5 Confirmed 172480 non-null float64
6 Deaths 172480 non-null float64
7 Recovered 172480 non-null float64
There is very litle needed to clean the data before continuing. We can however, drop the column containing the provincial information as this is blank for the majority of reported cases.
geo_data = geospatial.drop(columns=['Province/State'])
covid_data = covid19.drop(columns=['Province/State'])
And to match what we see in worldometer, let's plot the total wordwide cases just for reference:
The data above gives us comprehensive access to the total cases in each indidual country, as well as recoveries, deaths and active cases. This gives us the ability to map out the full spectrum of the pandemic using the geopandas library.
Already, we can see that Africa and Australasia have seen far less cases than the surrounding continents. However, due to the nature of the map I don't believe we really grasp the magnitude of case difference across the world.
Let's take this representation in a different direction then...
You can see below a density plot of cases per country (longitude and latitude) which proves to be a far better representation of the Impact of COVID-19 worldwide.
Here we see a much more prominent difference in case density across the world. Africa and Australia are just barely rocognisable compared to the surrounding continents.
If we trun to seaborn for a jointplot, we can map out the density of the COVID-19 cases uses a map similar to contours. It emphasises the prominence of the pandemic within the Northern Hemisphere. And in the case of the southern hemispher, it is very much concenrated towards South America.