This is your newly scaffolded Backstage App, Good Luck!
To start the app, run:
yarn install
yarn dev
kind create cluster
helm repo add dapr
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install dapr dapr/dapr \
--version=1.14.4 \
--namespace dapr-system \
--create-namespace \
Install the application:
helm install conference oci:// --version v2.0.0
Wait for all the pods are in Running state:
kubectl get pods
conference-agenda-service-deployment-5dd4bf67b-z27pp 2/2 Running 2 (81m ago) 87m
conference-c4p-service-deployment-57b5985757-pnjh9 2/2 Running 2 (81m ago) 87m
conference-frontend-deployment-69d9b479b7-5lk8n 2/2 Running 0 87m
conference-kafka-0 1/1 Running 0 87m
conference-notifications-service-deployment-7b6cbf965d-q577g 2/2 Running 2 (81m ago) 87m
conference-postgresql-0 1/1 Running 0 87m
conference-redis-master-0 1/1 Running 0 87m
dapr-dashboard-56788c76dd-sh24l 1/1 Running 0 82m
flagd-6bbdc5d999-6tb5c 1/1 Running 0 87m
To access the application:
kubectl port-forward svc/frontend 8080:80
Install the Dapr Dashboard:
helm install dapr-dashboard dapr/dapr-dashboard
To access the Dashboard:
kubectl port-forward svc/dapr-dashboard 8081:8080
Get all apps
curl http://localhost:8081/api/instances/All
Get notification-service
curl http://localhost:8081/api/instances/All/notifications-service
Get Dapr Components
curl http://localhost:8081/api/components/All
Get Single Dapr Component
curl http://localhost:8081/api/components/All/conference-agenda-service-statestore
The Dapr Dashboard with the application running looks like this: