This tutorial will guide you in building and deploying a decentralized website. You will publish it in IPFS and then point an .eth domain to it using the Ethereum Name Service (ENS).
If you don’t have it installed yet, you need to install Node.js in your laptop.
Last stable version of Node.js (Or 10.16.2) works just fine.
The template is a simple create-react-app with preconfiguration and deploy scripts. Just run
git clone
yarn start
npm i
npm start
You can now preview the website locally at http://localhost:3000
First, let's personalize the website briefly and deploy it to IPFS.
Edit src/App.js
line 44 and write your name, brand or a just message.
<div className="hero-title">Welcome to "name" // line 44</div>
Then, run:
yarn run publish
npm run publish
The website files will be bundled and uploaded to IPFS. The result of the command will give you a link to directly access the website by accessing DAppNode's own IPFS gateway:
Uploading files...
Succesfully uploaded files!
path hash size
----------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- -------
build/android-chrome-192x192.png QmVDXMWzpcxJH7dVLy7EcJbiuwMbvW7TzpftQ9WhZJtNYo 25613
build/android-chrome-512x512.png QmSPVmLSSBo9RdVTxUUGvDt3Qkb62Pu5ai3NPLrvdkKFxY 82789
build/apple-touch-icon.png QmV6VnxN2CdcHx7jE9ZWfxYQMhKn3w3isRHpvUdUUzFtnU 12448
build/asset-manifest.json Qmdkm4QuWuLpEUxK5Sw6Zc6zxbNYqvvEpuzra6Wdfu29dC 739
build/favicon-16x16.png QmQmLYTCac5go87oVPdjqbwKHdrb5dDQxe5pD1SxqDdesF 1333
build/favicon-32x32.png QmTyju5LXAnxibNqu14Nv9KT3JSGstgPHJDJzYjyHVX6M1 2144
build/favicon.ico Qmbcw7e2P9AGYBEzxSCnscE2Nw6JCpjKCftSS4SMxdRJqS 15097
build/index.html QmcfCrDMHYANCU5HtAfGoEPSMJY6W7ujE3vnwBfSJUBnAY 2078
build/manifest.json QmYLdnBrbeN8rpbwBC2VLwgSBht4Ft6hBSD6F3DKxqecGG 435
build/mstile-150x150.png QmWL2XRaSUsATTwhY1XV61eMSKtfugkLGb2CQ99xrXuvPj 5072
build/precache-manifest.ddcafeb8e9d7e394cefc3d5a75f6db35.js QmYqWPHKJSEVZFpjd7jGJz245rbXkQpGfA2iL92qNYKQRT 516
build/safari-pinned-tab.svg Qmed3oKnRqBpo67pzgJhGEaHZVWBzC3AnP37WeBHXqxSZM 6147
build/service-worker.js QmQog54KdYuY6uUfX1yhpzqrvbUCEpLZgevygmV29sMNHw 1054
build/site.webmanifest QmRt7SXpWXEKCqerikcqtMxBBT6iiVzCZixCSyKkbk4Suc 472
build/static/css/main.53f33b1d.chunk.css QmdUKpYyLLDyPj4D4Ym7gPbwnXHWiDFdGPwKQXEK7t1ou4 790
build/static/css/ QmVDtt1eLcfPrRY21VfAqXKrxdd6HjYUtMnk1WVSTgiJi8 1779
build/static/js/1.d7b27eab.chunk.js QmbCkiGR6htjUrabSm5m9DoRKdtH5m2WgbgonAZ5Zyi3Si 1199095
build/static/js/main.3f9a9d22.chunk.js QmQnViPdjVU7YqN97W5np4WFy2kurq3vdGSVwmgMv2VTri 13627
build/static/js/runtime~main.4a686d48.js QmVfzdU72f7TuF196YVC629gf2GT18Z9dRhua9oahKFFAR 1514
build/static/css QmNN7bhsTL7Z5hJwM7PKhXhuYF9PSaYe7KmdkJovnNHGSp 2709
build/static/js QmZgTXSePohAbuRhtNVJhGstDEJYTa7o7ioFJhb1oEmzXi 1214435
build/static QmawxD5GFXh4NM7mNHjShjccnN5mAHbf1wsKRu3mXdr4b4 1217240
build QmcR2GFrcQpLsMfBYMqrfebXizByZ2XbxjRN957LermuXW 1374119
To point an .eth domain to this website, use this hash as value:
To preview you website immediately go to:
Use the link provided to see your DWeb published on IPFS.
We can also use Ethereum APIs provided by DAppNode.
The src/
folder contains the file providers.json
with the info of all ethereum networks available in this DAppNode.
You can uncomment a component that will list all these DAppNode's providers. To do so, uncomment the code block between lines 60 - 89 in App.js
Object.keys(providers).map((provider, i) => (
<Grid key={i} item xs={3}>
<ChainCard provider={providers[provider]} />
Now run again:
yarn run publish
npm run publish
Go to dweb.dappnode.eth to see a working template from ENS.
Join our community if you have any doubts:
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 - see the LICENSE file for details