The "so_long" project at 42 is a 2D game developed in C using the MinilibX graphical library, involving tile-based map rendering, player movement, and collision detection, where the engine handles real-time graphics, event handling, and resource management to create a visually engaging and interactive gaming experience.
- git clone the project
- make bonus (or just make for the boring version)
- ./so_long_bonus maps/map.ber
git clone
NAME = so_long
CFLAGS = -Wextra -Wall -Werror
SRC = your c code
GETNEXTLINE := get_next_line/*c
OBJS = $(SRC:.c=.o)
MLX_LIB = mlx/
MLX_FLAGS = -Lmlx -lmlx -L/usr/lib/X11 -lXext -lX11
all: $(NAME)
$(NAME): $(OBJS)
@if [ ! -d "mlx" ]; then \
git clone mlx; \
@make -C $(MLX_LIB)
rm -rf $(OBJS)
rm -rf $(BONUS_OBJS)
fclean: clean
@if [ -d "mlx" ]; then \
make clean -C mlx/; \
rm -f $(NAME)
re: fclean all
.PHONY: all clean fclean re
typedef s_game
void *mlx;
void *window;
} t_game
game->mlx = mlx_init();
game->window = mlx_new_window(game->mlx, WIDTH, HEIGHT, "Your Game Title");
It is done using mlx_destroy_window();
// function that you want to call evety time you exit the game
int on_destroy(t_game *game)
mlx_destroy_window(game->mlx, game->window);
return (0);
int key_hook(int keycode, t_game *game)
if (keycode == 65307)
return (0);
mlx_key_hook(game.window, key_hook, &game); //every time a key is pressed key_hook is called
mlx_hook(game.window, 17, 0, on_destroy, &game); //if close button is pressed on_destroy is called
It is done using mlx_xpm_file_to_image();
void open_ground_coins_door(t_game *game)
game->textures.ground = mlx_xpm_file_to_image(game->mlx, \
"assets/dirt.xpm", &game->width, &game->height);
game->textures.coin = mlx_xpm_file_to_image(game->mlx, \
"assets/coin.xpm", &game->width, &game->height);
game->textures.door = mlx_xpm_file_to_image(game->mlx, \
"assets/door.xpm", &game->width, &game->height);
game->textures.wall = mlx_xpm_file_to_image(game->mlx, \
"assets/wall.xpm", &game->width, &game->height);
Use to find free sprites, assets and to convert sprites into .xpm format
To prevent memory leaks you have to free images right before the game is closed
void free_textures(t_game *game)
mlx_destroy_image(game->mlx, game->textures.coin);
mlx_destroy_image(game->mlx, game->textures.door);
mlx_destroy_image(game->mlx, game->textures.ground);
mlx_destroy_image(game->mlx, game->textures.wall);
Make a 2d array and fill it
// Function to read lines from a file and store them in a 2D array
void fill_map(t_game *game, int lines, char *map) {
int file;
int i;
// Open the file for reading and writing
file = open(map, O_RDWR);
// Allocate memory for the map (lines + 1 for the NULL terminator)
game->map = malloc(sizeof(char *) * (lines + 1));
// Fill the first element of the array with the first line from the file
game->map[0] = get_next_line(file);
// Fill the rest of the array line by line
i = 0;
while (i < lines) {
game->map[i] = get_next_line(file);
// Close the file after reading
Has to be rectangular
Has to be surrounded by walls
No empty lines anywhere
Has to have a valid path to every coin and exit
No other characters besides 1, 0, C, E, P
Only one player and exit
You have to handle the case if the coin is blocked by the exit
Empty map case
Invalid extension (only .ber allowed)
Map does not exist
No arguments or to many arguments
Check every error case with valgrind (in case of uninitialised error use calloc) In progress
You must display "Error\n" followed by an explicit message if a map is not valid
There must be a valid path to the exit and every coin.
I used flood fill algoritmh to check if there is a path
int validmove(t_game *game, int **visited, int row, int col)
return (game->map[row][col] != '1' && !visited[row][col]); // checks if it is not a wall and if it haven t been alredy visited
void floodfill(t_game *game, int row, int col, int **visited)
if (!validmove(game, visited, row, col) || visited[row][col])
return ;
if (game->map[row][col] == 'C') // if it is a coin
game->flood_fill_coins += 1;
visited[row][col] = 1; // mark areas as visited
floodfill(game, row - 1, col, visited); // up
floodfill(game, row + 1, col, visited); // down
floodfill(game, row, col - 1, visited); // left
floodfill(game, row, col + 1, visited); // right
void player_position(t_game *game, int i, int *player_col, int *player_row) // function to find the player
int j;
j = 0;
game->flood_fill_coins = 0;
game->coins = 0;
while (game->map[i][j])
if (game->map[i][j] == 'P')
*player_row = i;
*player_col = j;
break ;
void exit_position(t_game *game) // function to find the exit
int j;
int i;
i = 0;
while (game->map[i])
j = 0;
while (game->map[i][j])
if (game->map[i][j] == 'E')
game->exit_row = i;
game->exit_col = j;
if (game->map[i][j] == 'C')
game->coins += 1;
int valid_path(t_game *game)
int i;
int p_row;
int p_col;
int **visited;
visited = ft_calloc(game->map_rows, sizeof(int *)); // allocate memory to store visited areas
i = 0; // I use calloc to prevent uninitialised value error
while (i < game->map_rows)
visited[i] = ft_calloc(game->map_cols, sizeof(int *));
i = 0;
while (game->map[i])
player_position(game, i, &p_col, &p_row); // find player position on the map
exit_position(game); // find where exit is located on the map
floodfill(game, p_row, p_col, visited); // start algorithm
i = visited[p_row][p_col] && visited[game->exit_row][game->exit_col]; // if the exit area is not visited it means there is no valid path
free_visited(visited, game); // free memory
if (game->flood_fill_coins != game->coins || !i) // if the algorithm could not find the same amount of coins as the map has or i(exit is unreachable) is not true
return (1);
return (0);
There are two ways to handle player movement. To render the whole map every time the player moves (mlx_clear_window) or to render only sprites that have changed.
I find second approach much better in terms of optimization, that is why I chose it.
void move_right(t_game *game, int i, int j)
if (game->map[j][i + 1] == 'C') // if it is a coin, update score
game->score += 1;
else if (game->map[j][i + 1] == 'E' && game->coins == game->score) // if it is an exit and the player collected all coins
else if (game->map[j][i + 1] == 'E') // if it is an exit and player did not collect every coin
return ;
game->moves += 1; // update moves counter
game->map[j][i] = '0'; // update map
game->map[j][i + 1] = 'P'; // update map
put_player(game, i + 1, j); // render player on the screen
mlx_put_image_to_window(game->mlx, game->window, \
game->textures.ground, 0 + i * 32, 0 + (j * 32)); // render ground on the screen
void update_player_position(t_game *game, int key)
int i;
int j;
char *moves;
i = game->x; // get player current position
j = game->y; // get player current position
if (key == 115 && game->map[j + 1][i] != '1') // if s is pressed and next tile is not a wall
move_top(game, i, j);
else if (key == 119 && game->map[j - 1][i] != '1') // if w is pressed and next tile is not a wall
move_down(game, i, j);
else if (key == 97 && game->map[j][i - 1] != '1') // if a is pressed and next tile is not a wall
move_left(game, i, j);
else if (key == 100 && game->map[j][i + 1] != '1') // if d is pressed and next tile is not a wall
move_right(game, i, j);
int key_hook(int keycode, t_game *game)
if (keycode == 119 || keycode == 115 \ // if w/a/s/d is pressed
|| keycode == 100 || keycode == 97)
update_player_position(game, keycode);
else if (keycode == 65307)
return (0);
MiniLibX is not able to clean specific area of the screen, only the whole screen(mlx_clear_window). That is why mlx_string_put() is not a solution.
The only possile solution is to display the image of the digit and update it with the help of mlx_put_image_to_window()
void put_digit(t_game *game, int digit, int i)
if (digit == 0)
mlx_put_image_to_window(game->mlx, game->window, \
game->, 100 - (i * 16), (game->map_rows + 1) * 32);
else if (digit == 1)
mlx_put_image_to_window(game->mlx, game->window, \
game->, 100 - (i * 16), (game->map_rows + 1) * 32);
else if (digit == 2)
mlx_put_image_to_window(game->mlx, game->window, \
game->digits.two, 100 - (i * 16), (game->map_rows + 1) * 32);
else if (digit == 3)
mlx_put_image_to_window(game->mlx, game->window, \
game->digits.three, 100 - (i * 16), (game->map_rows + 1) * 32);
else if (digit == 4)
mlx_put_image_to_window(game->mlx, game->window, \
game->digits.four, 100 - (i * 16), (game->map_rows + 1) * 32);
else if (digit == 5)
mlx_put_image_to_window(game->mlx, game->window, \
game->digits.five, 100 - (i * 16), (game->map_rows + 1) * 32);
void score(t_game *game)
int i;
int digit;
int moves;
mlx_string_put(game->mlx, game->window, 0, \
(game->map_rows + 2) * 32 -20, 0xFFFFFF, "Moves :"); // put "Moves" on the screen
i = 0;
moves = game->moves; // get the current amount of moves
while (i < 4)
digit = moves % 10; // get last digit
moves = moves / 10; // move to the next one
if (digit > 5)
put_digit_2(game, digit, i); // put digit on the screen
put_digit(game, digit, i); // put digit on the screen
void right_animation(t_game *game, int width, int height)
if (game->current_frame == 0 || game->current_frame == 1)
mlx_put_image_to_window(game->mlx, game->window, \
game->player.player_idle_right_1, 0 + width * 32, 0 + (height * 32));
else if (game->current_frame == 2 || game->current_frame == 3)
mlx_put_image_to_window(game->mlx, game->window, \
game->player.player_idle_right_2, 0 + width * 32, 0 + (height * 32));
void draw_frame(t_game *game)
game->current_frame = (game->current_frame + 1) % 4; // divide on 4 frames for animation
put_player(game, game->x, game->y); // put idle animation
score(game); // display score
usleep(270000); // wait 2,7 miliseconds
mlx_loop_hook(game.mlx, (int (*)(void *))draw_frame, &game); // call function draw_frame() every frame
It is not allowed to manually place them on the map, so I came up with simple solution.
During the process of reading the map I count how many ground tiles(0) the map has. After I reach the number 15 I place the zombie and set counter to zero.
Enemies movement in my game is far from perfect. I call zombie_move function every time the player has moved, so it is more like chess:) Ideally it has to be done after every n amount of frames.
To make enemies movement unpredictable I used rand() function that randomly creates one number between 1 and 4.
My game definitely has to be polished, but if you are from 42 I would not recommend to spend too much time on this project. You will be able to explore game development more during Cub3D project