Tiny RISC-V emulation distributed across a network of P4-programmable switches
Run make
to build and run the P4 switch in a mininet environment. The controller in
will run automatically and configure the switches in the network topology (defined
in topology.json
) to perform the RISC-V emulation. Host h99
in the network topology,
representing the external datastore, will automatically run in the background the datastore server
defined in datastore.py
. In the case that it does not start automatically, start the datastore by
executing the Python script on host h99
The network topology is configured with 3 hosts that can send Tiny RISC-V assembly programs to the
load balancer for execution within the network. These hosts are h1
, h2
, and h3
. To open up a
command line on a host, run xterm <host1> [<host2> <host3> ...]
in the mininet REPL.
Run the receiver on the host from which you will be sending the programs: ./receive.py
To send a test program that executes each of the available Tiny RISC-V assembly instructions: ./send.py
To send a test program that computes the 8th Fibonacci number: ./fibonacci.py
Users can execute arbitrary Tiny RISC-V assembly programs by using the instruction types defined in
and sending the programs to the load balancer using a script similar to fibonacci.py