Installation instructions are available here: Please deploy this on the heroku-20 stack.
Check out the documentation to learn more about Nibs and to set up your own instance.
Updated: 2/19/2024
- changed to default to 1 basic dyno
Updated: 1/10/2023
- Updated to be compatible with the Heroku-20 stack
- Moved the .pptx documentation from the repo to Google Docs (link available above)
- Modified app.json to include Heroku Connect (it will still need to be provisioned!) and Papertrail
Updated: 10/2/2018
Updated the node version to be compatible with the Heroku-18 stack
Updated: 2/23/2018
The repo differs from earlier Nibs versions by removing the interaction table from the sync tables and handling
interactions as an external object.
Updated: 7/22/2015
Modify product selection query to filter on the 'family' column - defaults to selecting products where 'family' is 'Nibs' -
this can be overridden by setting the PRODUCT_FAMILY config variable
Updated: 4/21/2015
Split 'salesforce' schema sql init commands into a separate command. Run 'npm run init_salesforce_schema' now
to intialize the database **without** Heroku Connect.