Hass.io add-on to easily use Amazon Dash Buttons with Home Assistant.
This is a python script used to scan wifi devices connected to your network (using ARP). If a device matches any MAC address of the options, it will perform a HTTP POST request to the url given with headers and body indicated.
You can use this add-on to do whatever you like following the description above. However, the purpose of dasshio is to "integrate" Amazon's Dash buttons in Home Assistant in an easy way with Hass.io..
See RESTful API Post Services documentation to see what you can do.
- Set a Dash Button to toggle room_light light:
- url: http://home_assistant_IP:8123/api/services/light/toggle
- body: "{"entity_id": "light.room_light"}"
- Set a Dash Button to activate a welcome_home script:
- url: http://home_assistant_IP:8123/api/services/script/welcome_home
- body: ""
Have a look at Service calls to know what services you can use and what you can do with them.
To install this add-on, please, follow Home Assistant documentation on how to Install Third-party Add-ons
Here it is an example of a Dash Gillette used to toggle a light. Note you can add as many buttons as you like inside the "buttons" array.
- name: name of your device
- address: MAC of tour device
- url: Url to perform the HTPP Post request (http or https). Check Home Assistant RESTful API.
- headers: HTTP Post headers (Useful for Home Assistant API password -see example-).
- body: HTTP Post Body (Normally the entity_id in Home Assistant)
"buttons": [
"name": "Gillette",
"address": "AC:63:BE:77:C4:0D",
"url": "http://home_assistant_IP:8123/api/services/light/toggle",
"headers": "{\"x-ha-access\": \"your_password\"}",
"body": "{\"entity_id\": \"light.room_light\"}"
"name": "Bounty",
"address": "AC:63:BE:77:C4:0C",
"url": "https://home_assistant_url.duckdns.org/api/services/script/welcome_home",
"headers": "{}",
"body": "{}"
WARNING: As headers and body sections have to be strings, it is necessary to use slashes ( / ) berore double quotes ( " ) to escape them. Like this: \"
At the moment, the best way to do this is to hold down the button for 6 seconds, disconnect from the current WIFI and connect to the Amazon ConfigureMe SSID. If prompted, "stay connected" and open web page You will see your button’s ‘about’ page with the MAC and the additional information.
Alternatively, you can access your Wifi Router and check the MAC addresses in the historial of connected devices. Then, copy and paste the MAC in a service like MA:CV:en:do:rs to find the Vendor of that device. The Amazon Dash button vendor should be: Amazon Technologies Inc.
- amazon-dashbutton (Thanks to JulianKahnert in Issue#1)