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Angad Singh Angad-2002
🏫 VIT'25 | 👨🏻‍💻 AI/ML & Blockchain Enthusiast | Lives for Coding, Coke and binging Netflix ❤️

Vellore Institute of Technology Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

yueda wang yuedawang

University of Science and Technology of China

Full-Stack Software Engineer and 🏆 Open Source lover


Kristiyan Sakalyan kristiyansakalyan
ML Engineer @ R&S | MSc DEA @ TUM

Technical University of Munich Munich, Germany

Raunak Farhaz Raunak12775
Ph.D. student, Theoretical Chemistry @Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin Germany

Yu Xie YuuuXie
Combining machine learning with science. Making effort to release reproducible code of my projects and publications.

Microsoft Research AI for Science Berlin, Germany

Amir Mohammadi amircivil2080
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems Homogeneous Dynamical Systems
He’s a tryer!


There is no one thing I can describe EternaFX as

Seattle, WA

Ankit Mehra AnkitMehraV


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


sheikh ahnaf sheikhahnaf
interested in computational mat. sci. Understands C++, Fortran, Python. Acquainted with LAMMPS, QE, ASE, AiiDA & phonopy.Trying to learn MPI4py, pyCUDA & GPUMD.
Gyanateet Dutta Ryukijano
CUDA C++ , Pytorch RT, JAX(JIT,Haiku enjoyer, FLAX Flexer) and Qiskit UwU Converts ideas and excitement into code. Fall Grad Student @universityofleeds

@GeForceStudent @Pytorch @NVIDIA @NVIDIAGameWorks @universityofleeds Leeds, UK

Milind Malshe milindmalshe

Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta

Abhilov Gupta abhilov23
🛡️ Cybersecurity Expert by day, Code Wizard by night 🌙
Jiacheng Wang jcwang587

University of Massachusetts Amherst

Minggao Feng fmggggg

University of Liverpool Chengdu, China

HW DU dhw059
Artificial intelligence technology accelerates the design of new materials. Battery management system software development, battery management calibration softw

上海交通大学 上海市东川路800号

Killian Sheriff killiansheriff
@mit DMSE Ph.D. Candidate | @McGillUPhysics graduate | Doing Materials Science + AI research to better understand high-entropy alloys.

MIT Cambridge, MA

Nawaf Alampara n0w0f
AI 4 Science | PhD student @lamalab-org


Shahbaz Khan databaaz
Machine Learning Engineer

Munich, Germany

Fiona Xu YingXu001
Hey!~ I'm a AI/CS guy at WashU and the ex data science intern at RGA!~

Washington University in St Louis St Louis, MO, USA

Nasrin Shabani Nasrin-Shabani

Macquarie University Australia

Paris Outen whitemoonstone
Hello! My name is Paris Outen, and I am a programmer. I have a passion for technology and enjoy developing software solutions to solve real-world problems.
Shengdu Chai DanChai22
Physics, CMT

Fudan University/Shanghai AI lab Shanghai

Yoon, Seungje sjYoondeltar
