Adding this library as per the guide on the readme causes constant warnings about .cs files outside the assembly definition scope.
Script 'Packages/com.danielmansson.mathematics.fixedpoint/Unity.Mathematics.FixedPoint.CodeGen/Program.cs' will not be compiled because it exists outside the Assets folder and does not to belong to any assembly definition file.
Script 'Packages/com.danielmansson.mathematics.fixedpoint/Unity.Mathematics.FixedPoint.CodeGen/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs' will not be compiled because it exists outside the Assets folder and does not to belong to any assembly definition file.
Script 'Packages/com.danielmansson.mathematics.fixedpoint/Unity.Mathematics.FixedPoint.CodeGen/VectorGenerator.cs' will not be compiled because it exists outside the Assets folder and does not to belong to any assembly definition file.
Using Unity 2021.3.9f1