A short retro adventure game created for Kenney Jam 2022, a 48-hour game jam with a theme of "Growth". Created with Godot 3.5 and Ink.
If you're interested in the Ink/GDScript integration, relevant files include:
- godot-ink
- ink-engine-runtime.dll
- Pixel art outline shader from weekend (adapted from GDQuest and contributors)
- All art, fonts and most sound effects from Kenney
- Music and stingers from JRPG Collection by Yubatake/OpenGameArt.Org
- "Fire Crackling" from AntumDeluge/OpenGameArt.Org
- "Stream Sounds" from kurt/OpenGameArt.Org
- "Forest Ambience" from TinyWorlds/OpenGameArt.Org
- Colors are an adaptation of CopheeMoth's Lost Century Palette
- Dialogue and quest-tracking using Ink and paulloz's Godot Ink
- Project created with Godot 3.5
- This project uses a second viewport to render the HUD at a higher resolution than the game world (allowing more flexibility for text) using the technique from "How I Made The Smoothest Pixel Art Camera" by Nesi
The code in this repository is public domain. Please adapt it with no source/credit needed. Assets included in this repository are public domain from Kenney. Some music/audio assets included in the published game are CC-BY licensed and are not included here.