react-youtube Public
Forked from tjallingt/react-youtubereact.js powered YouTube player component
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedJan 19, 2024 -
A full-stack example app built with JHipster, Spring Boot, Kotlin, Angular 4, ngrx, and Webpack
react-select Public
Forked from JedWatson/react-selectThe Select Component for React.js
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedAug 15, 2020 -
HelloVoter Public
Forked from OurVoiceUSA/HelloVoterHelloVoter App Suite. Contact your Reps. Canvass for any cause at zero cost.
JavaScript GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 UpdatedOct 6, 2019 -
angularfire2-offline Public
Forked from adriancarriger/angularfire2-offline🔌 A simple wrapper for AngularFire2 to read and write to Firebase while offline, even after a complete refresh.
tour-of-heroes-versions Public
Formerly a list of the Angular demos used in the official docs. They moved and now I don't know where they are
1 UpdatedAug 21, 2017 -
ng2-admin Public
Forked from akveo/ngx-adminAngular admin dashboard framework
angular-cli-started Public
A technology demonstration and a tool for answering objections to Bernie Sanders created with Angular-CLI.
rangle-started Public
A technology demonstration and a tool for answering objections to Bernie Sanders created with Rangle-starter
ng2-redux-form Public
Forked from clbond/ng2-redux-formConnect Angular 2 forms to Redux stores
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedSep 7, 2016 -
angucomplete-alt Public
Forked from ghiden/angucomplete-altAutocomplete Directive for AngularJS. A fork of Daryl Rowland's angucomplete (https://github.com/darylrowland/angucomplete) with some extra features.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMay 26, 2016 -