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Moon Dev moondevonyt
i believe code is the great equalizer so i share all my quant code on youtube
David Shapiro daveshap
AI Thought Leader | Cognitive Architecture | Heuristic Imperatives
Carbon6 Technologies Carbon6-Code-Repository
Amazon SaaS Integrator

United States of America

Fred Gohsman fredgohsman
Cloud Solutions Architect @ Microsoft

Microsoft Corporation Tampa, Florida

abhishek thakur abhishekkrthakur
World's first 4x Kaggle GrandMaster; ex-Hugging Face; 100k+ Youtube; 150k+ LinkedIn

Kye Gomez kyegomez
$ pip install swarms Join the agent and AI research community:

Swarms Palo Alto

Nicholas Renotte nicknochnack
Data Science guy @IBM

Sydney, Australia

Jeff Delaney codediodeio
GDE. Creator of @fireship-io

Fireship LLC Phoenix, AZ

Antonio Cheong acheong08
Sleep deprived

Cardiff University Your computer

Cody Therrien codytherrien
Data Scientist | Machine Learning Engineer | AI Engineer

Berlin, DE

Tradytics tradytics
Artificial Intelligence driven Trading Tools

Tradytics Preston, UK

Part Time Larry hackingthemarkets
I make Python for Finance tutorials on YouTube.

Hacking the Markets San Francisco, CA

Sofien KAABAR sofienkaabar
That weirdo from Medium who keeps publishing articles every 5 minutes.

Paris, France

Andrej karpathy
I like to train Deep Neural Nets on large datasets.


Daniel Voigt Godoy dvgodoy
Data scientist, developer, teacher and writer. Author of "Deep Learning with PyTorch Step-by-Step: A Beginner's Guide".


Technocolabs Softwares Inc. Technocolabs100
Technocolabs Softwares is a consulting firm specializing in AI, Machine Learning, and helping businesses leverage advanced data analytics and automation.

Technocolabs Softwares Inc. Indore, India

Jason Bohne jasonbohne123
Applied Math & Stat Ph.D. | Statistical Learning, Optimization, Quantitative Finance

Stony Brook, NY

Jesson Pagaduan jessonpagaduan
I am interested about remote sensing applications in macroeconomics and development economics.

Asian Development Bank Philippines

Priya Brata Sen PriyaBrataSen
Data Scientist

Ashley Furniture Industries Tampa,Florida

TaeWoo Kim taewookim
Data, Growth, Software


Christopher Brooks cab938

University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI, USA

Gabe Mersy gmersy
CS PhD student @ UChicago


Mikhail Lenko MikhailLenko
I am a data scientist with a background in comms. I appreciate the importance and the challenge of making complex information easy to get and hard to forget.

San Francisco, CA

Phil Tabor philtabor
Physicist, Reinforcement Learning Researcher, YouTuber

Greater Cleveland Area, OH

Saeed Amen saeedamen
Co-Founder of Turnleaf Analytics & founder of Cuemacro, quantitative strategist focused on inflation and FX markets

Turnleaf Analytics / Cuemacro London

Vibhor Singh iamvibhorsingh
Curious. Jack of most trades.


Robert Martin robertmartin8
trader, python enjoyer, ex-astrophysics

Cambridge, UK

Daniel Kukieła daniel-kukiela
A passionate programmer who loves to optimize and speed up code. In love with Python and machine learning.

Programming Language: Python, R, & Matlab Database: NoSQL, SQL & Access Software: Excel Finance, Stock Market, Mathematics, Machine Learning & Deep Learning


Tom Bresee tombresee
Sr. Member of Technical Staff specializing in advanced data analytics for IP transport networks. Grad student at U of Michigan's Applied Data Science Program.

T-Mobile Frisco, TX

AnthonyFJGarner AnthonyFJGarner
Consultant – International Financial Markets Investment banker and lawyer.

Anthony Garner Investments London

Andreas Mueller amueller
Scikit-learn core-developer, Principal Research SDE @microsoft

Microsoft Los Gatos

Sebastian Raschka rasbt
AI Research Engineer working on LLMs.


Historical Source historicalsource
A collection of historical source files, for education and perusal.
Siraj Raval llSourcell
subscribe to my youtube channel!

San Francisco, CA

Thomas Thomas0Malley
machine learning deep learning NLP quantitative finance


Max Braun maxbbraun
Builder & inventor. Formerly Google, Everyday Robots, X.

@google San Francisco

Skipper Seabold jseabold

HCA Healthcare Nashville, TN

Andrews Cordolino Sobral andrewssobral
Head of AI at ActiveEon, Paris - France. Ph.D. on Computer Vision and Machine Learning. Computer Vision Specialist. Experienced C++ and Python Developer.

Activeeon Paris, France