This is a restful api for a web app that will allow users to sign up and share their favorite recipes. I am building it to help me build my knowledge of back end development with node and express. I'll be using mongoose to communicate with a mongodb database. I'll also be researching other ways of adding authentication, so that users can sign up with their social media acounts. This will probably be a long process, but I look forward to learning a lot
- Create routes and controllers
- signing up
- logging in
- logging out
- viewing profiles
- editing profile
- delete user
- viewing recipes
- viewing recipe list
- creating recipe
- editing recipe
- delete recipe
- Create models
- user
- recipe
- Connect to databse
- Configure authentication
- sign up with email and password
- login
- logout
- create middleware for authentication
My TODO's might be done, but I'm sure there is other stuff to work on that I didn't think about
👨🏽💻 DaJuan Harris
- Twitter: @dajuancancode
- Github: @dajuancancode