A collection of tools to measure and analyze frontrunning attacks on the Ethereum blockchain. This repository also includes the data that was collected and evaluated during our study. Our paper can be found here.
A container with all the dependencies can be found here.
To run the container, please install docker and run:
docker pull christoftorres/frontrunner-jones && docker run -m 16g --memory-swap="24g" -p 8888:8888 -it christoftorres/frontrunner-jones
To detect if a block contains insertion frontrunning attacks simply run inside the container the following commands:
# Start MongoDB
mkdir -p /data/db
mongod --fork --logpath /var/log/mongod.log
# Run detection script
cd /root/scripts/detection/insertion
python3 insertion.py 10882755:10882755
To start the Jupyter notebook server, please run inside the container the following commands and then open up http://localhost:8888 on your browser:
cd /root/scripts/analysis
jupyter notebook --port=8888 --no-browser --ip= --allow-root --NotebookApp.token='' --NotebookApp.password=''
docker build -t frontrunner-jones .
docker run -m 16g --memory-swap="24g" -p 8888:8888 -it frontrunner-jones:latest
brew tap mongodb/brew
brew install mongodb-community@4.4
For other operating systems follow the installation instructions on mongodb.com.
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Please update scripts/detection/utils/settings.py
with the hostname and port number of your fully synced archive node accordingly.
More information on how to run an archive node can be found here.
cd scripts/detection/displacement
# Examples
python3 displacement.py 10995886:10995886 # Honeypot 1
python3 displacement.py 10992692:10992703 # Honeypot 2
cd scripts/detection/insertion
# Examples
python3 insertion.py 10882755:10882755 # Uniswap V2
python3 insertion.py 9317713:9317713 # Uniswap V1
python3 insertion.py 10892526:10892526 # SushiSwap
python3 insertion.py 7100448:7100448 # Bancor
# Detect gas token usage
python3 gas_token_analysis.py
cd scripts/detection/suppression
# Examples
python3 suppression.py 6191896:6191912 # Fomo3D 1
python3 suppression.py 6391537:6391551 # Fomo3D 2
python3 suppression.py 6507761:6507777 # Fomo3D 3
# Detect campaigns
python3 suppression_campaigns.py