Morgan State University
- Baltimore, MD
- https://daconjam.github.io
- @daconjam
- in/jamelldacon
DialogueFairness Public
Forked from zgahhblhc/DialogueFairnessThis repository provides the dataset and the code of the COLING 2020 paper "Does Gender Matter? Towards Fairness in Dialogue Systems".
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 11, 2023 -
Harmful-LGBTQIA Public
Detecting Harmful Online Conversational Content towards LGBTQIA+ Individuals
Recommender-System-Datasets Public
A list of compatible datasets, noting other major repositories containing popular real-world datasets, along with sample code for a range of recommendation tasks.
Detecting_Gender_Bias Public
The primary goal of this project is to detecting and examining gender bias in news articles
Debiased-Chat Public
Forked from zgahhblhc/Debiased-ChatA PyTorch Implementation of the EMNLP 2020 paper "Mitigating Gender Bias for Neural Dialogue Generation with Adversarial Learning"
Python MIT License UpdatedFeb 20, 2021 -
OpenCV-Projects Public
Forked from GeekyPRAVEE/OpenCV-ProjectsOpenCV projects using python
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedNov 17, 2020 -
waves Public
Forked from mmore500/wavesWorkshop for Avida Ed Software Development
HTML Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedJul 31, 2020 -
The purpose of this project was to simply test a CNN model on a competition FER2013 dataset.
The purpose of this project was to simply test multiple Machine Learning (ML) algorithms on the same dataset to view its performance.
Environmental-ACC-Deaminase Public
To understand the biogeographic distribution of ACC-d genes across different ecosystems and its diversity among microbial lineages, and compare genes between soil and plant communities.
1 UpdatedJul 7, 2017