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Code and examples from my talk - Curious Cases of GraphQL

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Curious Cases of GraphQL

Case 1: Real-time collaborative drawing canvas with GraphQL & AWS AppSync

GitHub repo

Base schema:

type Canvas @model {
  id: ID!
  clientId: String!
  data: String!

type Mutation {
  createCanvas(input: CreateCanvasInput!): Canvas
  updateCanvas(input: UpdateCanvasInput!): Canvas
  deleteCanvas(input: DeleteCanvasInput!): Canvas

type Query {
  getCanvas(id: ID!): Canvas
  listCanvass(filter: ModelCanvasFilterInput, limit: Int, nextToken: String): ModelCanvasConnection

type Subscription {
  onCreateCanvas: Canvas @aws_subscribe(mutations: ["createCanvas"])
  onUpdateCanvas: Canvas @aws_subscribe(mutations: ["updateCanvas"])

Case 2: GraphQL Image Rekognition

GitHub repo

Base schema

type ImageData {
  data: String!

type Query {
  fetchImage(imageInfo: String!): ImageData

Case 3: SpeakerChat - Real-time event comment platform with markdown support

GitHub repo

Base schema:

type Talk @model {
  id: ID!
  title: String!
  speakerName: String!
  clientId: ID
  speakerImage: String
  comments: [Comment] @connection(name: "TalkComments")

type Comment @model {
  id: ID!
  talkId: ID!
  clientId: ID
  talk: Talk @connection(sortField: "createdAt", name: "TalkComments", keyField: "talkId")
  text: String
  createdAt: String
  createdBy: String

type ModelCommentConnection {
  items: [Comment]
  nextToken: String

type Subscription {
  onCreateCommentWithId(talkId: ID!): Comment
		@aws_subscribe(mutations: ["createComment"])

type Query {
  listCommentsForTalk(talkId: ID!): ModelCommentConnection

Case 4: Hype Beats

GitHub repo

Base schema:

type DrumMachine @model {
  id: ID!
  clientId: ID!
  beats: String!
  name: String!

type Query {
  getDrumMachine(id: ID!): DrumMachine
  listDrumMachines(filter: ModelDrumMachineFilterInput, limit: Int, nextToken: String): ModelDrumMachineConnection

type Mutation {
  createDrumMachine(input: CreateDrumMachineInput!): DrumMachine
  updateDrumMachine(input: UpdateDrumMachineInput!): DrumMachine
  deleteDrumMachine(input: DeleteDrumMachineInput!): DrumMachine

type Subscription {
  onCreateDrumMachine: DrumMachine @aws_subscribe(mutations: ["createDrumMachine"])
  onUpdateDrumMachine: DrumMachine @aws_subscribe(mutations: ["updateDrumMachine"])

Case 5: GraphQL text to audio translation

GitHub repo

Base schema:

type Query {
  getTranslatedSentence(sentence: String!, code: String!): TranslatedSentence

type TranslatedSentence {
  sentence: String!

Case 6: Infra as code with Conference app in a box

GitHub repo

Base schema:

type Talk @model {
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  speakerName: String!
  speakerBio: String!
  time: String
  timeStamp: String
  date: String
  location: String
  summary: String!
  twitter: String
  github: String
  speakerAvatar: String
  comments: [Comment] @connection(name: "TalkComments")

type Comment @model {
  id: ID!
  talkId: ID
  talk: Talk @connection(sortField: "createdAt", name: "TalkComments", keyField: "talkId")
  message: String
  createdAt: String
  createdBy: String
  deviceId: ID

type Report @model {
	id: ID!
	commentId: ID!
	comment: String!
	talkTitle: String!
	deviceId: ID

type ModelCommentConnection {
	items: [Comment]
	nextToken: String

type Query {
  listCommentsByTalkId(talkId: ID!): ModelCommentConnection

type Subscription {
  onCreateCommentWithId(talkId: ID!): Comment
		@aws_subscribe(mutations: ["createComment"])

Case 7 - GraphQL SMS in Markdown


Base schema:

type SMS {
	originationNumber: String!
	messageBody: String!
  id: ID!

type Query {
	getSMS(originationNumber: String!): SMS
	listSMS(filter: TableSMSFilterInput, limit: Int, nextToken: String): SMSConnection

type Subscription {
	onCreateSMS(originationNumber: String, messageBody: String): SMS
		@aws_subscribe(mutations: ["createSMS"])
	onUpdateSMS(originationNumber: String, messageBody: String): SMS
		@aws_subscribe(mutations: ["updateSMS"])
	onDeleteSMS(originationNumber: String, messageBody: String): SMS
		@aws_subscribe(mutations: ["deleteSMS"])

type Mutation {
	createSMS(input: CreateSMSInput!): SMS
	updateSMS(input: UpdateSMSInput!): SMS
	deleteSMS(input: DeleteSMSInput!): SMS

Case 8 - Write With Me

Real-come collaborative document editing

GitHub repo

Base schema:

type Post @model {
  id: ID!
  clientId: ID!
  markdown: String!
  title: String!
  createdAt: String


Code and examples from my talk - Curious Cases of GraphQL







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